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Telnet access


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Wonder if this is correct behaviour since A21. I've noticed when trying to access the server via Telnet it's requires the password twice to connect. Is this a change made or a bug, as I used to run a fair few timed scripts for events and server messages, but these now fail due to

The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets

So I tried via putty to make sure everything was OK, password ports etc and all is good, but then I noticed anytime I try to connect I need to put the password in twice as the first time will always says incorrect password as you can see in the putty screenshot below.


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  • 7 months later...

No idea if the double attempt with correct password required to login successfully was an intentional change, but it probably means it'll take twice as long for the telnet password to be cracked by malicious login attempts. If so, that's useful in its own way. Supposing the average password cracking program is set up to try once before moving to the next character combination, in theory, it would never be able to break in. Malicious people would have to force their cracking software to try everything twice and accept it being slowed down by half speed. I honestly hope this is in some way intentional because for such a small inconvenience to me, that's a huge inconvenience to people who really deserve to deal with the extra hassle. 😆

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Notice the thread is quite old. Did you experience the same problem? If yes, there might be something wrong on your side or if you are on Windows, it might be operating system-specific, or there might be a difference between connecting from localhost or from afar (though I doubt that could be a reason). I just did a test and can confirm that on a "correctly working server" one does not need to enter the password twice.


If you have such a problem, please post a logfile of a session where you attempted to connect.



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double-attempt is not normal. Ensure that your telnet settings are configured properly. Should be connection type "Raw", and not full Telnet.


And as meganoth noted, this thread was dead. Start a new thread following the Pinned instructions if you have an issue.

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