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Increasing heat when on?

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I'm trying to add a heatmap effect to a modified speaker, but it isn't working. I looked at the forge and dew collectors to see how they worked and replicated the code, but it is NOT increasing heat when I manually turn one on.

<block name="DHTA_Zed_Caller">
    <property name="Extends" value="speaker"/>
    <property name="CustomIcon" value="speaker"/>
    <property name="RequiredPower" value="100"/>
    <property name="HeatMapStrength" value="10"/>
    <property name="HeatMapTime" value="5000"/>
    <property name="HeatMapFrequency" value="1000"/>

I have it jacked up to 10% right now, but it never seems to increase the heatmap (viewing with F8 in debug mode). Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by The_Great_Sephiroth
Forgot I cannot use the "code" tags here (see edit history)
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I have done some experimenting and believe that I know what the issue is. Each of these special blocks has a "Class" member. My gut tells me that classes like "Forge" and "Torch" have the heatmap stuff in their C# code and that the "Speaker" class does not. This means that the only sounds that would raise the heatmap would be gunshots and trap floors that fall in. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.


With that said, is there any truth to this theory? If so then I cannot make enough noise even at a concert hall to call in a screamer. Guess I'll make a torch as hot as the sun that players can use to attract zeds for now.

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I don't believe we can access the C# code anyway, so no big deal. I made a super-torch that increases the heat map by 25% every minute or so. It has the same effect but is less believable. I wanted to have a tower with a few loudspeakers on it. Wire them to a switch. Flip the switch, enjoy the screamers, and turn it off when done.

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Quick question. How is heat increase calculated for torches? It appears to tick every sixty seconds, but it doesn't increase by the value on the torch. I just set a custom torch item to 50 strength and placed four on a wall. The zone had no heat, then it spiked to 80 based on four torches. Shouldn't that be 200? Not sure how 50 * 4 equals 80.

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