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A21.1 Bugs or features?


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Before i post it as "bug", maybe its a "feature" i don't understand.


First the "Automatic" trader-waypoint is buggy, for me it createv up to three map entrys per trader, which CANT be deleted...

Second, the dedicated server livemap is totally buggy: Blue Questionmarks as "markers", no scrallable maplist, login dont work and the performance of that wabmap is awful


So anything, that i maybe dont made correctly on the settings of the server?

Or hinzts for a solution to solve this`?

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The trader waypoints are bugged.  It has probably been posted already in the bugs section (the red banner at the top).  You will get a waypoint for every person in your group who sees the trader while you are online.  They do need to fix that and also make it possible to delete them.


The rest, I'm not sure since I don't bother with servers.

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Trader waypoints is known, and I believe already fixed for the next update. Don't quote me on that though.

The question marks on the livemap are part of the new toolset, and it is mostly an example for modders. You can ignore them or remove the map marker mod from the server. Can also just delete them or hide the permissions for it.

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