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Is the Netcode just fubar in 7dtd?


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Asking because I host a game for me and a friend of mine on my own pc, that may be the cause but I am unsure, why? according to ingame he has a ping of 70-80 to me, which is fairly decent. However, he often has hits on zombies just not register, and takes hits that should not have hit him in the first place, the latter could be a player skill issue he is new to the game, but the former feels like a netcode issue. Its so bad that he can aim for the body and the arrow goes right thru the zombie when it clearly should have been a hit. I've played alot of co-op/mp games with this person, usually I host the server, and i've ONLY seen the issue this glaringly bad in 7 days to die. Most other games don't even have a issue like this. Is this going to be fixed? It has to be a terrible play experience when hits that should have connected magically do not.

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8 minutes ago, Scyris said:

Asking because I host a game for me and a friend of mine on my own pc, that may be the cause but I am unsure, why? according to ingame he has a ping of 70-80 to me, which is fairly decent. However, he often has hits on zombies just not register, and takes hits that should not have hit him in the first place, the latter could be a player skill issue he is new to the game, but the former feels like a netcode issue. Its so bad that he can aim for the body and the arrow goes right thru the zombie when it clearly should have been a hit. I've played alot of co-op/mp games with this person, usually I host the server, and i've ONLY seen the issue this glaringly bad in 7 days to die. Most other games don't even have a issue like this. Is this going to be fixed? It has to be a terrible play experience when hits that should have connected magically do not.

If you're referring to arrows, the arrows act differently than in many other games and you can hit anywhere within the "circle" (imagine a circle that encompasses the target reticle).  This is especially challenging for a new player, especially if using lower tier bows like the primitive bow.  Give them a gun and see if they still have the same problem.  If not, then it's user-error with using a bow and they just need more practice.  I don't know that this really is the issue, but based on what you described, I think it's possible.


We never have that kind of problem in our games unless we really start lagging for some reason, which is really uncommon.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, Scyris said:

Asking because I host a game for me and a friend of mine on my own pc, that may be the cause but I am unsure, why? according to ingame he has a ping of 70-80 to me, which is fairly decent. However, he often has hits on zombies just not register, and takes hits that should not have hit him in the first place, the latter could be a player skill issue he is new to the game, but the former feels like a netcode issue. Its so bad that he can aim for the body and the arrow goes right thru the zombie when it clearly should have been a hit. I've played alot of co-op/mp games with this person, usually I host the server, and i've ONLY seen the issue this glaringly bad in 7 days to die. Most other games don't even have a issue like this. Is this going to be fixed? It has to be a terrible play experience when hits that should have connected magically do not.


I agree with Riamus, could simply be the difficulty to actually hit with primitive bow even at middle distances, because of mediocre range, the need to aim above the zombie the farther he is out and the aim circle. Not only that, but with almost any other weapon you can be sure to hit the zombie if the aim circle is fully filled with the zombie, but due to having to aim higher even that rule is not true. Using a primitive bow is not at all easy.


If that is not it, maybe a lot of packets on your internet connection get lost on a router inbetween, but since you don't have that problem with other games I doubt this could be the reason.



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