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At what distance/depth will a zombie choose to dig down vs run to the entrance of the cave?


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I have a straight path going into a slope/mountain that is at about a 45 angle. The distance from the front is almost identical to the depth.

My idea is to make a series of easy to destroy frame bars with camp fires between them. Ranged Damage, plus fire, and easy clean up to exit.

At which point will they choose to dig down vs, run through the front?

Is there a maximum distance between you and the entrance, that they will just spawn directly above and dig down?

If anyone has some metrics or a video to point me to that would be much appreciated.

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It all depends what they have to dig through.  If it's just dirt, it won't take a long distance before they decide that's better than running to an opening.  You can avoid that by placing a ceiling in so that the calculation of time to dig will be higher than that to run.  Even just concrete will usually keep them from digging but steel would almost guarantee it.  However, if your distance is enough to get beyond the loaded chunks, they will just dig no matter what.

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44 minutes ago, Riamus said:

 However, if your distance is enough to get beyond the loaded chunks, they will just dig no matter what.

That is what I am thinking. The back wall is 70-ish meters from the entrance and about 50meters below ground. Probably 34-40 rock in between the surface and the base layer.

What is the total size/distance across a chunk? Is it the size of the prefab block/sections in cities? I have read it's a 16x16 square from bedrock to sky, but the zombie spawn much further out than that on horde night. I'd say at least 100 blocks away and run.

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42 minutes ago, warmer said:

That is what I am thinking. The back wall is 70-ish meters from the entrance and about 50meters below ground. Probably 34-40 rock in between the surface and the base layer.

What is the total size/distance across a chunk? Is it the size of the prefab block/sections in cities? I have read it's a 16x16 square from bedrock to sky, but the zombie spawn much further out than that on horde night. I'd say at least 100 blocks away and run.

Yes, chunks are 16x16.  However, surrounding chunks are loaded as well as the one you are on.  I am not certain how many chunks away from you are loaded at the same time.  Maybe someone else can provide that.  I don't know about 70m working, but I know from experience that zombies can find their way around about 45m to get to an entrance.

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does anybody have more specific information about the "formula" how these pathing decisions are chosen?

As I understood the previous posts it is just time-based? Like how long will it take to breach/break all blocks between the player and the z, against running a distance?

Or is there more to it?

I think I remember there was a "doors are preferred targets" thingy too?


Don't get me wrong, I don't want to exactly calculate my base around this,

but at least it would be nice what factors have an impact on a zombie's "decision".

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19 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

does anybody have more specific information about the "formula" how these pathing decisions are chosen?

As I understood the previous posts it is just time-based? Like how long will it take to breach/break all blocks between the player and the z, against running a distance?

Or is there more to it?

I think I remember there was a "doors are preferred targets" thingy too?


Don't get me wrong, I don't want to exactly calculate my base around this,

but at least it would be nice what factors have an impact on a zombie's "decision".


You'd think so, but I've noticed many times where there will be an open door right in front of them or next to them, and they still prefer to bash on walls or start digging.

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this might probably be "rage mode" which is a factor to somewhat add rng to a otherwise too predictable - and more importantly too congeneric - zombie behaviour.

Guess how stupid it would look if every zombie would show the exact same behaviour based on the same "formula" all the time.

This would make things too predictable and therefore lame and easy to cheese.


My current horde base is integrated in the radio tower of "cell tower #1", with the main gate wide open and then a staircase up the fighting position.

So an absolutely clear and wide open path to me, but they often first bang on the walls and fences a little before actually taking the clear path to me.

Some even stop in the middle of the stairs to punch the air a few times.

Temreki supposed in one of his vids that this might be an issue with the new "simplified zombie AI mode" system, but I don't think this might be it in my case...I don't have that much going on with my settings on hordenight that this should be an issue.

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