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New quest categories and npcs


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Photos from The Walking Dead: OMG Moments! - Page 2 - E! Online It's not modifying the existing missions, but complementing them I've come up with some great ideas! The first time I started playing 7 days to die I always thought there would be a chance of finding a survivor but I was disappointed with that, because the only thing I found were corpses and traders. What I envisioned was a rescue scene or something, so come on how do I think it could be?

In general there will be small random events with npcs in the game, they are probably very bad alone and will kill themselves later or just disappear so take care of them and don't let them die.

* Unlucky Survivor:
walking on the street you see a survivor standing still shooting madly in all directions because he is being surrounded by a horde of slow zombies he has little ammo you have two choices the first is to kill him before he uses up all the rest of the ammo and loot him after the horde crisis, the other alternative is to help him he will give an escort mission and ask for some ammo and/or bandage (optional) to take him safely to the nearest trade. During the escort something will always happen he is kind of dumb and will be stopped shooting or running in orbit to the player if he has nothing ammo. Some of them might be infected, so you'll need to race against time before he turns into a zombie. After completing the mission he will thank you and send you the location of some buried treasure or provide some books and skill magazines (in lore as if he had learned something and then passed it on to the player)

*near death

In some random house off mission, in some closet, basement, basement or anywhere well hidden there will be a small chance of finding someone dying probably incapacitated, unconscious or one-legged he will beg for help you can either ignore or accept his rescue mission which as you can imagine is up to the trade but for that you will necessarily have to help him with a bandage, but depending on the case a splint will make him walk again, a medicine may prevent or delay his transformation into a zombie this last one is optional in the In fact, they all said they're fine, but you can insist if he refuses for the second time, there's no way around it. Well you will literally carry it on your back and with that the player will have the carrying capacity penalty say -27 so the player will need to have empty inventory or a lot of extra carry buffs, the player has no idea if the npc is infected and what stage is infection, so there is a chance the infected will become buzz during loading if it occurs during the npc is in dead stage you can find out by dropping him on the ground if he is unconscious you will see small traces of rot, but in the case of transformation complete while carrying it you will be bitten and infected. This newly transformed zombie is fresh and therefore feral. Some unconscious may already be in the dead stage when the player takes the mission so it's good to be aware of the reward for this one is the same as the escort.

In these two missions when night hits, you will have to find a place to ask to stay in case of the escort mission the mission will fail if you are more than 100m away, the rescuer will have to find a corner the mission will fail if the incapacitated becomes one zombie or move 100m away. Always have some extra medicine against infection so your protégé doesn't become a zombie.

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I don't think you should expect NPCs other than the traders and the factions/bandits once those are added.  Probably all we will see for new quest types will relate to the factions and bandits.  I'd be happy to see other ones but I have a feeling that's all we will get.

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I have fantasized and brainstormed with Friends in and out of Gameplay on what kinds of "Missions" would add the most to 7DtD,


Just for the short list,  Pretty much everyone has agreed that the "Fetch' quest is almost universally considered to be overdone.  But we have that type of quest already daily from the current Trader Missions.  But what if they added some...zing to the current Trader Missions?  Suppose you get a Mission from a Trader to open a New Trade Route.  Okay,  been there, done that,  but how about as a kicker,  there is a requirement that you take 3 blueberry pies with you,  because the Trader you are visiting has a sweet tooth and the pies will sweeten the deal to open up Trade.   Of course that would require that TFP get some extra voice acting done from the Souls that give voice to the Traders already, so that may or may not be an obstacle.  Still, it would add a little something to a predictable quest.  Or Possibly the Trader gives you a box that has a fairly nice weapon inside it,  saying;  "Trader XXXXX loaned this to Me a few years ago,  but things got so bad with the zeds, that I never have been able to return it.", but you fail the quest if you open the box to sneak a peek at what kind of weapon is inside.  Not only do you fail the quest but that Trader won't do business with you for 30 days.


Then, There is always the mission that finally answers the eternal question:  How do the Traders keep the Trading Post secure?  You stumble across an object that you can't identify during a scavenging run.  You can't figure out anything about it and when you try to appraise it,  the game just shows questions marks instead of a Price Estimate for trading.  If you take it to a Trader to try to sell the object,  it triggers a Mission dialogue.  The Trader tells you that the object "won't do you a lick of good"  because its a broken part of an "Undead Shield generator."  The same kind I use to keep them Zombies from wrecking my Trading Post.   Then the Trader says"  Since you done uncovered that piece, I might as well get your help with something.  We have to change the power cells in the Undead Shield generator bouts every 7 years or so, and mine is coming up on its time to get a new powercell.  So how bout I pay you to go get one for me??


Yes, that idea is still a Fetch Quest, but adding some new lore behind it makes it fresh and intriguing.  Add to it a side effect that if you Fail the quest,  that specific Trader location closes for good in your Navesgane or RNG world.  Then it becomes a significant event with wide reaching repercussions.


So I do think there are ways to spice things up,  adding some NPC interaction to the mix gives a lot of latitude to add a wide variety of storytelling as well.


Of course until that time comes, if ever, we are all just sitting and waiting in ......an-ti-ci...pation.




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On 7/10/2023 at 4:37 AM, Old Crow said:

They've already promised two new quest types that aren't modifications of existing ones, for A21.. and failed to deliver. Hopefully in A22.


I don't remember them saying that bit about "not modifications of existing ones"


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1 hour ago, meganoth said:


Well, that is damning evidence. @Roland How do you plead? 😁



When I said that, they were more distinctive. Iterations happen behind closed doors and as many have seen with the progress of this game as a whole, sometimes the rudimentary basic version ends up being more distinctive from other things before it is polished and developed up. It's the double-edged sword of talking about stuff months before an update is released. The other quest type was postponed until A22 so all there is for A21 is the current "Infestation Clear" quest which originally was simply called "Infestation".


The problem with going back a year in a dynamically changing game is that information from then is outdated for the current state. Go back far enough and you'll read posts from me describing the new LBD and then look at A22 b324 and wonder why Roland is spreading misinformation.... 😜


But at least those problems will be solved for me going forward as I won't be playing A22 until everyone else does so you won't be getting any status reports or play impressions from me this time around.

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2 hours ago, Roland said:


When I said that, they were more distinctive. Iterations happen behind closed doors and as many have seen with the progress of this game as a whole, sometimes the rudimentary basic version ends up being more distinctive from other things before it is polished and developed up. It's the double-edged sword of talking about stuff months before an update is released. The other quest type was postponed until A22 so all there is for A21 is the current "Infestation Clear" quest which originally was simply called "Infestation".


The problem with going back a year in a dynamically changing game is that information from then is outdated for the current state. Go back far enough and you'll read posts from me describing the new LBD and then look at A22 b324 and wonder why Roland is spreading misinformation.... 😜


But at least those problems will be solved for me going forward as I won't be playing A22 until everyone else does so you won't be getting any status reports or play impressions from me this time around.


Well, thank you for the explanation. Whatever the new quest type coming in A22 is, I look forward to seeing what it might be.

To add to the dreams here - Horizon Zero Dawn has a quest type that involves clearing bandits out of a settlement, allowing people to move in and turn it into a settlement with a merchant. Perhaps this could be a new version of Opening Trade Routes - You have to "rescue" the trader at the next compound, clearing out bandits so it can become an available new trader.

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