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hard fps lags


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So I have some serious issues with my fps in this game. I have 2 GeForce GTX 1080ti with a i9-7900k. I play on the lowest of the lowest setting and I barely get more than 50fps, while fighting zombies I get around 11-22fps. This is the range where I can’t even aim with my gun anymore… does anybody have tricks to help me get more fps? And I know this game is still in its alpha but I really wanna play it xd 

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You said you have two 1080ti's? Are they in SLI? From what I gather, SLI will generally hurt your performance more than it will help. Don't forget driver updates, anti virus exceptions, moving the game to an SSD, and verifying your game files through Steam.

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Jugginator, SLI does not hurt performance. I ran two GTX 1070's in SLI using the high-bandwidth bridge and played 7 Days for quite a while that way and it helped. Unless this is new to A21, what you're saying is the opposite of my personal experience. I later sold the two cards and HB bridge to another member here and as far as I know it helped that user. I hope it did anyway.


I am trying to recall if it was 7 Days, but for at least one Unity game I played I had to do something special to get SLI really cooking like it does in Unreal Engine. I cannot remember which game or what, but at the time, Unity trailed in multiple GPU support for both AMD and nVidia. You may want to search for Unity and AFR (alternate frame rendering) and see if anything jumps out at you.



I did some searching. It appears that the Unity Engine never gained official SLI/Crossfire support. There are ways to make it work via nVidia Inspector or other external programs, but the benefits are NOT what they would be on an engine with native support. This tells me that it is very likely that I used something to make it give me a boost in 7 Days. I never needed SLI in Subnautica or The Long Dark and remember using only one GPU in those games. My main game at the time was Ark: Survival Evolved and it DID work there, granting a 50%-60% boost in FPS. Perhaps Jugginator is correct and, since SLI is now dead to nVidia, 7 Days cannot use it at all. Maybe sell the 1080 Ti's and get a 2080 Ti or 3070? I run a single 3080 Ti now and it roasts 7 Days!

Edited by The_Great_Sephiroth (see edit history)
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Yeah if the game is fully supporting SLI and you've got the Nvidia profile for it, you can get an increase of performance. But, without heavy tinkering, you've still got the micro stuttering (frametime increases) caused by both of the GPU's preparing parts of frames to display (IIRC, been a while since I read up on a detailed report) because of the hand-offs between both of them. It's pretty much dead tech at this point, it never got adopted. 

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It was adopted for years by many engines, but nVidia killed theirs in 2018 and I am not sure about Crossfire by AMD. As you said, it's dead now, but it did help me in many games in years gone by. To be honest, though, I am glad it is gone. Two identical cards that are worth anything are EXPENSIVE. I am so happy with the 3080 Ti though. It's about 30% faster than my 2080 Ti, and the 4080 Ti is supposed to be even better. If we fork out the cash for one GOOD card now, we shouldn't need two to four cards. I'll miss the crazy setups, but this is better for everybody.


As for the fps hit, what resolution are you playing on? Motion blur takes a huge hit to fps, and anything above "high" for the reflection quality seems to only lower the framerate and cause strange reflection issues, such as the sky reflecting off of an indoor floor...   five stories deep in a bunker...

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2 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Jugginator, SLI does not hurt performance. I ran two GTX 1070's in SLI using the high-bandwidth bridge and played 7 Days for quite a while that way and it helped. Unless this is new to A21, what you're saying is the opposite of my personal experience. I later sold the two cards and HB bridge to another member here and as far as I know it helped that user. I hope it did anyway.


I am trying to recall if it was 7 Days, but for at least one Unity game I played I had to do something special to get SLI really cooking like it does in Unreal Engine. I cannot remember which game or what, but at the time, Unity trailed in multiple GPU support for both AMD and nVidia. You may want to search for Unity and AFR (alternate frame rendering) and see if anything jumps out at you.



I did some searching. It appears that the Unity Engine never gained official SLI/Crossfire support. There are ways to make it work via nVidia Inspector or other external programs, but the benefits are NOT what they would be on an engine with native support. This tells me that it is very likely that I used something to make it give me a boost in 7 Days. I never needed SLI in Subnautica or The Long Dark and remember using only one GPU in those games. My main game at the time was Ark: Survival Evolved and it DID work there, granting a 50%-60% boost in FPS. Perhaps Jugginator is correct and, since SLI is now dead to nVidia, 7 Days cannot use it at all. Maybe sell the 1080 Ti's and get a 2080 Ti or 3070? I run a single 3080 Ti now and it roasts 7 Days!

I forgot to say. This is what my task manager says  while playing -> CPU = 25%
GPU 1 = 30 %
GPU 2 = 30 %
RAM = 10/32gb
HDD = 1-8%


is this the reason maybe? 

2 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

It was adopted for years by many engines, but nVidia killed theirs in 2018 and I am not sure about Crossfire by AMD. As you said, it's dead now, but it did help me in many games in years gone by. To be honest, though, I am glad it is gone. Two identical cards that are worth anything are EXPENSIVE. I am so happy with the 3080 Ti though. It's about 30% faster than my 2080 Ti, and the 4080 Ti is supposed to be even better. If we fork out the cash for one GOOD card now, we shouldn't need two to four cards. I'll miss the crazy setups, but this is better for everybody.


As for the fps hit, what resolution are you playing on? Motion blur takes a huge hit to fps, and anything above "high" for the reflection quality seems to only lower the framerate and cause strange reflection issues, such as the sky reflecting off of an indoor floor...   five stories deep in a bunker...

I play on the lowest setting possible. Everything on off or lowest 

Edited by zebastainn (see edit history)
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14 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Seems like your GPU's are not stressed. I would go into the nVidia settings and then the profile for 7 Days and force it to use only one GPU. There's no reason for low fps on minimum settings on a 1080 Ti unless you're running a ridiculous resolution. If you're in 1080p you should be fine.


Thanks! But how do I make a profile for it?


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Righ-click the desktop, choose nVidia Control Panel. Go to the "Manage 3D Settings" option on the left. On the right, choose the "Program Settings" tab. First, see if 7 Days shows up int he drop-down menu on that tab. If it does, select it from the drop-down and find the setting for multiple GPUs in the list below the game name. Set it to use only one GPU. Hit apply, close the panel, and see what happens.

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