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  1. https://justpaste.it/albvf , I think I did it wrong. But just tell me what yo need, if it doesnt work new: https://pastebin.com/UTiBv2XM (first half) https://pastebin.com/BsFtBN5y (second half) , it was too big xd
  2. I already asked why my fps are so low. I was lucky to fix it. Though now a new problem has occured. When I freshly open my game it runs smoothly with 120fps, but the more I play... lets say 3h in it drops to 40-60fps average, even when iam looking at the ground. Has this happend to you guys too?? Would really like to know. And maybe how to fix it. Thanks!
  3. Thanks! But how do I make a profile for it?
  4. I forgot to say. This is what my task manager says while playing -> CPU = 25% GPU 1 = 30 % GPU 2 = 30 % RAM = 10/32gb HDD = 1-8% is this the reason maybe? I play on the lowest setting possible. Everything on off or lowest
  5. So I have some serious issues with my fps in this game. I have 2 GeForce GTX 1080ti with a i9-7900k. I play on the lowest of the lowest setting and I barely get more than 50fps, while fighting zombies I get around 11-22fps. This is the range where I can’t even aim with my gun anymore… does anybody have tricks to help me get more fps? And I know this game is still in its alpha but I really wanna play it xd
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