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So many new assets, almost non are obtainable!


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Alpha 21 really peaked my interest. So many new POI's quality of life additions and Tons of new cool chests, doors, light and more... NON seems to be obtainable through crafting or by purchasing from any traders. Huge downside on my end!

I understand not all would be craftable but really Nothing is added... Bulletproof glass still only has the most basic of shapes, Non of the new lights seem to be obtainable, We finally got double doors, but only for the basic one's we can craft from before. Where are all the doors added to the game?


For someone who really want to create a base that looks lived in and use clutter and other props to make bases look alive, This update was a lift up, yet a let down. Overall a great update but still waiting for the access to all things we can find it the world. Also wondering if there will be a version of the light tweaking options that is found in prefab editor that can be used by players in game?

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I agree, that's very sad, i'm waiting for some mods to add them, I just dont understand why we can't craft all these beautiful lights or props, or at least get them from the trader. It would be so nice to do like in Zomboid, pick up things with the proper tools and incrinsing success rate with like strength,intel,agility level

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1 hour ago, Teezer said:

I agree, that's very sad, i'm waiting for some mods to add them, I just dont understand why we can't craft all these beautiful lights or props, or at least get them from the trader. It would be so nice to do like in Zomboid, pick up things with the proper tools and incrinsing success rate with like strength,intel,agility level

I like that Idea. Using salvage tools. Left mouse button slavage (breaking apart,) right mousebutton disassembles the thing.
Tho I will see the point where some things aren't craftable or able to pick up, tho traders should have it as a selling item.


1 hour ago, FranticDan said:

Have you searched "variable" in the crafting search bar?

Yes. I've looked everywhere and I checked traders on the regular. Lots of assets aren't craftable, at least not yet. Just found it odd to showcase so many new cool assets and non are obtainable as of now.

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Yeah, this was a big letdown for me as well.  The reasoning they've given in the past was that certain objects required too many resources to display and someone in a MP game could abuse it by placing a ton of them and cause server problems.  To me, this feels like a poor excuse.  I think all objects (or at least almost all as you wouldn't want to have something like lights that don't require power to be crafted) should be possible to craft.  Put a setting on the objects you're concerned about (similar to the dev blocks setting) and then make a server/game option that disables any objects marked with this setting if they don't want to allow them.  This way, single player and any games where you don't think you'll have any issues with abuse, you can craft basically everything.  Very easy thing to do and solves the problem really well.  Besides, I think the server admins should be in charge of dealing with player abuse and not the game, especially if that limits things for everyone else.  I also don't think everything they are leaving off really falls into that category of requiring too many resources.


At least we can get stuff from the creative menu but I would prefer not having to use that and instead just craft (or buy) the stuff.

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