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Zombie Dogs are scary as hell in A21. They also seem to be all over the place.


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So this is a story all about how my life almost got snuffed out by a rabid mutt.


Day 1, got full padded armor, but no gun yet, was doing a fetch quest and a dog hidden behind a damn piece of furnature aggroed, I fought it, had to melee it, didn't really have a place to run. I killed it, survived with 2 health. in the short fight it: made me bleed, a concussion, a laceration, a abrasion and infection. I almost died to the bleed because it took the bandage so long to use and stop the bleed that I lost 5-6 health during the first aid bandage animation.


Watch out for doggo's if you can't get a sneak attack off with a bow, or lack a gun early game they WILL kill you if you try to fight. I just feel I got lucky surviving that encounter.

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It's also the thing that they are now laying down, so are harder to spot (plus we are trained to see dogs standing). I bet we will adjust with time to new animation states of the dog and learn their placement. What irks me is that they sometimes spawn out of nowhere, just because you crossed magical threshold and are placed in a way that you can't really avoid them/sneak kill them (but that's not the problem with this alpha).

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