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Bothering sound changes

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So... i am usually not the one who hops into a Forum and complains but this bothers me so i have to.

The eating sound... why did u change it? it was fine before and was great. Now it sounds like i am holding my ear against a glass door and listen to someone eating with their mouth open in that room. Just awful, please revert it back to what it was before. Also Drinking is waaaay louder than before.

Another thing that bothers me is that some sounds are extremely loud while other sounds are super quiet for some reason. sometimes some sounds even get covered up by other sounds making it harder to hear what is goin on.

The only Good sound change i like is the Lumberjack Zombie having now a new voice.

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2 hours ago, Teezer said:

I totally agree about the eating sound, overall I appreciate changes made but this eating sound is like someone has been recorded with their 5$ earbuds microphone, awful :(

Exactly this was my first reaction too... i showed a comparison to my Friend from alpha 16.4 and now alpha 21's eating sound... even he said... "i am impressed how Gaming Studios manage to upgrade their game and downgrade it at the same time to make it feel cheap in some parts. This Eating sound, sounds like someone recorded this with an old MP3 player from the 2000s"

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