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the base was deleted


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i have a problem in 150 game day i wanted to fix the water and I used chunk reset i typed cr f and my base with all resources disappeared even with all things chemical laboratory, ponk, forge I have nothing at all and now I don't want to start again and I want to continue I need to go back to before that save point Where did it happen Does anyone have a solution?

if someone doesn't know, I'd have to play from the beginning again


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There's a real simple solution:

4) Restore your backup

3) Oh, you didn't keep any? Well, Keep backups.

2) To do that, you'd have to figure out how to, so Learn how to.

1) To bother to learn, you might need a reason to. Well, messing with random console commands in your game and wiping it once should be motivation enough.


Sadly, steps 1-3 are necessary for this to be any fun, and you're only at 1)


In this case, your options are "New Game" or creative mode "restorations", consloe:cm, click 'u', search for forge and cobble and whatnot to give yourself a fighting chance.

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1 minute ago, RadekA20 said:

Well, I found out how the backup is made but only after it happened

Great, step 2) complete!


You could also just take it as a challenge, you have your character, just take over a good POI you've already cleared and start gathering some basics. you'll be up and running in no time.

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Ouch. I feel your pain! Yeah, I was having issues with my computer crashing for a while and got into the habit of manually backing up my saves after every session. I got burned too many times. There are many people who've suggested that the save files be backed up automatically via Steam's cloud service (like many other games), but from my understanding the size of the save files for 7DTD make that impossible unfortunately.


I believe there are mods that automatically backup your save files every several minutes, but I've never used one personally so would not feel comfortable recommending a specific one. Anyway, good luck! Starting a new world is half the fun!

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9 hours ago, RadekA20 said:

that would probably make me stop enjoying the game altogether : )

That's called Rage Quit. But you will be back....'cause its fun and a challenge and maybe something will break all you've built and deleted everything stocked in your disorganized chests. Happened to 😄me more times than I can count. But I learn, and try again. Really, this kind of thing can happen in most games...think Windows crash or no UPS when the lights go out. Maybe a 'simple' game will allow recovery, but not necessarily this one. Nature of the beast.


Hmmm, try again. Hope for the best.  And see what RNG is gonna give ya. My current game, day 12 has not been exceptionally kind. One never knows.

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