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Has anyone else noticed the stam regen drain when below 74% water?


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I notice when I get below 74% water, my stamina update per tick on the bar itself goes from 5 down to 4, I also notice when this happens I cannot swing tools for as long etc as well, I have 20% less stam regen. According to the Xml's the thirsty penalty is not supposed to start till water is below 50%, which makes me think this is something in the coding maybe the devs forgot to change/remove? I've had 7dtd since alpha 9 or 10, and this has always been there as far as I remember. It has no status icon, and no stats change in your status menu either, you only notice it if you actually watch your stamina bar and have numbers set to show on it. I'm not crazy am I? i've noticed this hidden debuff for a looong time, almost like TFP forgot it was even there and just never removed it. I am sure in a way older alpha it also used to show a debuff icon once water hit 74% or less, that was removed as well, but maybe they forgot to remove the actual debuff itself from the code? I don't know anything about coding or what I'd even look for to try to find it myself. Its also not in the xml's either. The debuff for water below 50% is there, but there is nothing for when you hit below 74% like there is in game.

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I'd say that you don't have to be the one who looks for the root of the problem by sifting through code. Simply report it in the bug report forum and one of the QA guys will look for what is going on and create a ticket to get it fixed if necessary. But reports are for when the game isn't behaving in the way you think it should be behaving. In fact, there is a section where you describe the way it should be behaving. I agree that what you describe doesn't sound right. Either there should be descriptions that support 74% or the stamina penalty shouldn't hit until 50% like the current descriptions indicate. Good enough to report, imo.


Just make sure you don't have a mod installed since some mods make the game tougher and there might be one that changes the penalty to start at 74% instead of 50%.

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I think it's a thing, at least that's how I play; stay above 80%, preferably at 100% with the slow "drinking" buff ticking when fighting. Haven't done any dedicated testing, that's derived from what I've noticed in the game. Please do file a report, there might be something unintentional there, but:

8 hours ago, Scyris said:

According to the Xml's the thirsty penalty is ...

Without knowing what part of the xml:s you're referring to, that could refer to the debuff icons and audio effects.


My take on this has been that they're separated intentionally; the stamina effects start at a higher level, but the character starts the different complaints a little later (just to save the player from getting needlessly annoyed by constant moaning.). Might've been a dev discussion at some point, but that leaves the "might not" on the table as well, quite strongly in this case... :)

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