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JaWoodle: To Woodle or not to Woodle that is the Question.


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For the folks of you who know this man Josh or YT known as JaWoodle.  He has been a avid, loyal, always entertaining and amazing 7DTD content creator.  He has always taken the time to answer questions to help new people, or even help some of the "seasoned" vets of the game as well.  He has taken the time to experiment and improve different little aspects with mods, and share his feedback and success with everyone.

I personally don't promote things or people in forums and groups as I think its a bit tacky to do so, but realistically, the heart this guy has for this game, and compassion for others in RL goes beyond my realm and feelings for what others may think of what I write or say or do.

Over the years this man has put countless thousands of hours into this game, and every series or tutorial he does, its like Day 1 for him of opening up that 7DTD and the enthusiasm and love and over all humbleness to provide himself joy along with others is overwhelming and enjoyable.

I am on here to say Thank You to him, and his commitment, and his unyielding love and experience he shares with us all on his journeys across man vast territories.  I am hoping others too, can post and share their love to this guy, and excitement, and maybe give him some encouraging support !!!!!!! 

The man did a 12 hour stream on his birthday to ONLY raise money to help animals in need (HOW SELFLESS IS THAT !!!) as we all could take a page or 2 out his book .

@Fun Pimps, Can you you show some love to this guy? Give him a shout out or a 1 episode sponsor ship, or collab with him on something with the game, like a new zombie addition : Undead JaWoodle lol ... 

Sorry this is so long but its really hard to express everything that could be said for this man, and I hope you all join him for his journeys and adventures and show him some love and support !!

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Glad you like him and his vids. 


If TFP were to put a spotlight on to his work, or that of any of the many other worthy creators who use 7dtd in their videos, it would IMHO pave the way for a chaotic clamber of folks crying out to have their favorite video author recognized as well. Then, where would you draw the line? It'll become a can of worms.


A modder may be smitten enough to create a JaZed in a build, but TFP aren't going to even hint at going in that direction for Josh or anyone else.  Understand why?



Edited by Melange (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

I subscribe to JaWoodle, he is very passionate and good. Josh will show you how to min max to the extreme.


For any new players I recommend not watching ANY content creators. 


The joy of games (not just 7D2D) is to explore the game. Only after you put in a lot of time and want to take game to next level should you start watching more experienced players for "tips".


My biggest recommendation to any new player is "Don't watch content creators". Wait until you got 50 hours played, etc. Wait until you hit road blocks you can't over come on your own.


That said in my almost 4000 hours played, my last 1000 hours have been heavily JaWoodle influenced.



Edited by fragtzack (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

My favorite youtube vid of all times is the episode in his extinction series when he accidentally caused his entire horde base to collapse, including a chest that had all his ammo and horde night supplies, 5 or 6 hours before the horde started.


My second favorite was the first time he got a spider horde in darkness falls.


I love josh. I enjoy many of the 7dtd content creators, but josh is the only one that i also watch his non 7dtd content because he is so ridiculous that i am entertained even if i personally have no interest in the game he is playing.

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