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Error loading or creating a character.


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After upgrading to A20.5 b2 Stable there is no way I can play.
When entering servers, the game crashes when downloading the character.
When creating a new character the game crashes.


 "EXC IndexOutOfRangeExcetion: Index was outside the bounds of the array"

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3 hours ago, luciano said:

When creating a new character the game crashes.

You could try using the Launcher/Tools/Clean game data... menu to see if that helps.

As @BFT2020already said, posting your output log is the best path to finding the problem.

Your output log is in %appdata%\7DaysToDie\Logs. Copy the text of the log to pastebin.com

and post the link here.

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25 minutes ago, luciano said:

Thanks, there's a corrupted player profile. It's probably yours, but could be another player's if they connected to your p2p game.

From the Launcher/Tools/Clean game data... menu, check the boxes for Game Settings, Discovered Maps of remote games/All maps, Player profile, and serveradmin config.

Then press "Clean". After that, don't start the game; use Steam to verify the game files. After that try to start the game again.


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18 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

Obrigado, há um perfil de jogador corrompido. Provavelmente é seu, mas pode ser de outro jogador se ele se conectar ao seu jogo p2p.

No menu Launcher/Tools/Clean game data..., marque as caixas para Game Settings, Discovered Maps of remote games/All maps, Player profile e serveradmin config.

Em seguida, pressione "Limpar". Depois disso, não inicie o jogo; use o Steam para verificar os arquivos do jogo. Depois disso, tente iniciar o jogo novamente.


I did a full clean, I didn't check the files, restarted steam.
The game returned to normal , thanks for the help .


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  • 4 months later...

If you follow the advice by Beelzybub your own maps will not be deleted. Only discovered maps of online games which means you will just download them again once.  And fog of war will be back (AFAIK) but that will probably happen anyway whatever you do to fix the problem.


If even that would be too much, then you could leave out the map reset and do the rest of the steps. If it works, fine. If not then you would have to do it again, **with** the map cleaning






Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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