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RWG Preview - Optional


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When you generate a new world, after the world is generated, the system then starts off generating a preview. The generation of the preview both takes time and blocks user interaction. There's no way to stop the preview generation and then hit the "Back" button. (Most of the time I do not interact with the preview at all, so generating one is just keeping me from testing soemthing.)


I suggest, rather than automatically generate a preview, allow the user to trigger the generation of a preview via a button.


Alternatively, move the Preview feature out of RWG and maybe put it with the "Editing Tools" so that you could generate a Preview when you wanted for any of the worlds you have created.

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I actually think this would be a great feature.  For those of us with lower-end machines, it can lock up your computer for a while/cause it to crash.  And honestly, when I use RWG to generate a map, I *personally* don't want to see the map and have my fun ruined instead of just exploring it.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is an older topic, but I also agree on this. The biggest reason for me is that it also spoils the experience a bit. I'd like to not know where the biomes are located as that's part of the fun of discovery. I know it's somewhat avoidable, but even appearing on the screen for a few moments before I'm able to navigate away gives away too much.

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