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DLX Weapons Fix - [V1.0] - Aligned Sights, Aiming directly from the SCOPE and MORE!


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Hi guys! Thanks a lot for your feedback, it's really helpful!

At the moment, I think before I start developing new mechanisms (recoil system, improved movement system, new weapon components, etc...) I think it's best if I first fix and add these new features:


• Improve the Scope Vision, especially at night
• Improve the
Animation when the player takes Aim with both Iron Sights and Scopes
• Make the
running animation even more complex
• Correct some minor animation

• Add a quick command into the console so that you can reload the mod directly in-game after editing the DLX-ConfigFile.xml


Add Global Parameters into the DLX-ConfigFile.xml so that you can:
• Disable or reduce the weapon
raise effect when firing from the hip.
• Enable/disable
sensitivity adjustment when the player aims with the scope
• Increase/decrease (or disable) the
swing system.


Add Parameters for Each Weapon in DLX-ConfigFile.xml to:
• Enable/Disable (or adjust) the
muzzle smoke
• Change the FOV when the player is not aiming (default value is 45).


After the release of this updated version, I will be back to add new features to the mod!


Unfortunately I will be quite busy these days and won't be able to devote much time to mod development,

but as soon as I have some free time I will get to work!


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23 hours ago, TheDungslinger said:

Hi, was just wondering if there is anyway to remove the inaccuracy of guns while aiming?


I tried editing the global setting aimdispersion lines in DLX-ConfigFIle to no avail.

Can you be more specific. 

Do you mean how the weapons relocate to the shoulder as soon as you fire? If so, the mod author provided instructions on one of the last two pages. It works, as I made those changes.

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If you’re talking about how the viewmodel of the gun kicks up then returns slowly to the shoulder, then no, I’ve already fixed that.


I’m speaking to the accuracy of the gun itself and the bullet deviation. It’s most noticeable on the sniper rifle, but if you’re rapid firing especially, your bullets will go WAY off target. Try putting on a red dot sight, firing one shot off target (to trigger the random spread effect), then attempting to shoot a zombie at 20m+.  It’s the same mechanic present in vanilla.

The mod does a fantastic job of everything but the same random bullet deviation from vanilla is still present, greatly hampering the authors hard work. I attempted to add lines to the mod’s items.xml that should set the spread multiplier while aiming to 0, but it didn’t seem to work.

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Awesome mod, very impressive dedication. one thing though, is there a way to remove the slight blur when aiming, not asking you to remove it from mod, just direct me to a possible way that I can edit it myself. Thank you.

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Hello! I've noticed that when I use Reflex Sight mod on Lever Action Rifle, the alignment is a bit too low.




*is there any way I can upload picture directly from my PC?

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Very cool mod, i like it a lot.

It makes weapons so much more dynamic. I especially like weapon rise and run animations. I tried adding weapons from other mods to config and this animations worked, so i hope you make this system so it can support modded weapons out of the box! The scopes are also very cool, i like the delayed adjustment when you move camera while aiming.

But unfortunately it's barely playable right now because of some problems.

1. With this mod when using iron or reflex sights, the sensitivity is very high, its seems game using normal sensitivity settings instead of ADS settings.. It makes aiming basically impossible
2. The smoke effect is to intense, making shooting from same spot very hard. Its also constantly bugs out and wont stop smoking unless you remove weapon from your belt. It seems this bug occurs if you rapidly click LMB, its especially often occurring on automatic weapons like SMG. So you constantly have a visibility problem
3. Reflex sight need opacity, some of them have this red overlay through witch you basically can't see.

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On 8/8/2024 at 6:22 AM, Slinx said:

yeah that's a base thing I reccomend this for whichever gun you're talking about (from a dude named Jeffrey Haager)h39DKKL.jpeg


I can't make this work. The mod seems to override this setting in some way.

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I really love most of the stuff on this mod but the 2 things I would like to see is an option to turn off smoke and a "clear" reflex sight (kinda like how theres a remove dirt option for scopes) cause the white "dirt" on the reflex sight actually hinders in aiming especially if ur running on Medium to Low settings especially when ur running away from zombies.

The image below kinda shows what I mean Its hard to even see the gap between the 2 woods cause the "white" dirt messes the sight.


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20 hours ago, toni_c said:

in the DLX-weapons fix located in mods folder, open DLX-configFile.xml with notepad++, at the very top change the value of "ScopeDirt" from true to false, then save.

Tried that, reflex sight still isn't clear. I don't need to make a new game do I? I wouldn't think a visual xml edit would require a new game



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Alright, I have been digging around the mod using Asset Studio, I think I found the file. reflex_bg in assets/prefabs/tactical action rifle/a21-dlx-tacticalactionrifle.prefab has a similar appearance as the background of the reflex sight. If this file is swapped to transparent it should solve the problem. You can't edit assets and repack them in Asset Studio, not sure how to fix this myself. @DanyEr12LX could you release a clear reflex sight version with this file fully transparent?
Edit: Tried using UABE, I can decompress A21-DLX-Scopes.unity3d but A21-DLX-Weapons.unity3d and DLX-Other.unity3d crash UABE when I try to decompress. I believe this file in in Weapons, so I think I have hit the limit of what I can do to fix this myself.


Edited by darthsawyer (see edit history)
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