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Electric Fence Post - Question


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Why is the electric fence post two Blocks high? I know the maximum distance between 2 posts is 14 blocks.


Picture 1 shows a cross-section of what I'm building. Yellow marks the fence and 14 blocks in between. I always thought 14 blocks away from the electrical part - which is not true!
Picture 2 how it work - it is counted where the fence stand.


You have to protect the fence otherwise the zombies will destroy it, so why isn't it big like Electric Wire Relay? Then it would be easier to understand the distance and you could place two where there is only one now.




It's just a question, not a complaint. Still loving the game after almost 3000 hours.

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Why high? I'm going to guess that it mostly just looks better as a high block; it is trying to look kinda like "cow fencing". And if the height causes issues protecting it from the zeds, all the better, since they're OP like no other.. :)

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12 hours ago, Bear_with_Hat said:

I always thought 14 blocks away from the electrical part - which is not true!
Picture 2 how it work - it is counted where the fence stand.


I don't think that's correct. I was able to stretch a fence 14m blocks even though one end was stuck to a block 16m away. The far end could also be set horizontally and the total distance between the bases would be 20m. As long as the wire tool can 'touch' the business end of the fence while the wire isn't red, it'll connect.



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1 hour ago, Boidster said:


I don't think that's correct. I was able to stretch a fence 14m blocks even though one end was stuck to a block 16m away. The far end could also be set horizontally and the total distance between the bases would be 20m. As long as the wire tool can 'touch' the business end of the fence while the wire isn't red, it'll connect.



Fence - 14 Blocks - Fence show your Picture


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Yeah, I know my fence post ends were 14 blocks apart - that was the point. I guess we're in agreement then. I'm not sure what you meant by this statement, in that case:



Picture 2 how it work - it is counted where the fence stand.


I guess maybe the way I'd phrase it is:  "if any part of the two fence posts are within 14m (straight line) of each other, they can be connected." The distance limit is based on the maximum wire-stretch (before it turns red) + the "touch" distance of the wire tool. It doesn't matter how/where the fence is standing - only that there is a point on the far fencepost that you can touch with the tool.


I think we agree on that. And I think I misinterpreted your OP as suggesting that there was something wrong. So nevermind me! ;) 

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No problem, my post is meant for a moderator or dev to read and it might be changed. A pasture electric fence also only has a small box that electrifies a kilometer long fence. So much would be changed in the game - positively as well as negatively.


I loved the steel frame blocks. Would swap them for the ShapeMenu immediately.

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On 4/9/2022 at 11:08 PM, Bear_with_Hat said:

you could place two where there is only one now.

I don't know why they decided on the height, but I don't understand this part. Do you mean, you can't have one line at 1 block high, then another at 2 blocks high? I don't think that's what you mean because I do that all the time. 

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