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Problem I am trying to solve:



is there any way I can have a perfectly triangular interior/exterior roof?

I have tried with  all the 60 degree inclines/blocks/gables and I haven't found any that work. maybe because the solution block doesn't have 60 in it and I need to look at all the wedges?

outside view: 



based on the research and architecture I have looked at so far, the block I am looking for doesn't exist. But I have been wrong in the past.

oh and one random question, is there a preferred etiquette for posting images on forums? I can't be bothered with uploading images to an external site and posting an imgur. It seems like alot of unnecessary effort. I totally  understand paste-binning logs  for bug reports but I think where appropriate it is acceptable to hide images with spoilers

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6 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

is there any way I can have a perfectly triangular interior/exterior roof?


Is this what you're looking for? I'm still kinda new with building but funny enough roofs was the first and only thing i've messed with

I only used two block types, the standard ramp, and the standard cube shape. I upgraded random blocks so you could kinda see how all the pieces fit









Granted the inside will technically be slight smaller than what it seems from outside

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so what I want is achievable, but only if the roof dimensions are even length  wise.



we would need to make a 1x1 version of this block maybe?



alternativeley we would need a cube 1/2 inverted gable corner that would also have a built in filler slope triangle that would taper off towards  center of the inverted part. Idk if anyone can visualize that or understand what I am trying to explain




l think it would look like the block picture below, but you would make a cutout from the other side of the block to the front so it looks full at the back but would be hollow at the front. Note: I am using a 1/2 gable to help visualize the cut out hollow section at the front




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On 3/5/2022 at 8:28 PM, Boidster said:


 I HAVE VISUALIZED IT . you would need a 3d  Triangle to fill half of the gable.


You could call it Cube 1/2 gable inverted quarter End 
or Cube 1/2 gable inverted quarter slope filler?


Idk how you name blocks but I have a visual of the space the modifcations to the block would need to cover.

 For more visual clarity:



Purple concrete blocks: wedge 60 incline corner
Red: Wedge 60 incline
Purple: Cube 1/2 gable invertered quarter

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3 minutes ago, Rotor said:



to keep it simple :)



so in otherwords we would need to modify the   Cube 1/2 gable inverted quarter with a tetrahedron to create a perflectly triangular roof for roofs with widths that are an odd number of meters.

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