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7 days to die 1.1 alpha


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Not sure if still on here but there is a post on how to get the earlier versions that were on steam. I mean earlier than the ones we get in the beta tab. I could never get it to work though but it seems some did so not sure what I was doing wrong. I have played the versions back to about A8 but would love to have tried the versions that first came out on steam.

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14 minutes ago, TheNave said:

do either of you (or anyone else) know how to message the creators to request an opportunity to obtain it cause i would pay for the 1.1 alpha pack even though i have already bought the game


Right here is where you would do it. I can even tag @madmole @The Fun Pimp so they will be more likely to see it.  I'm pretty sure though that they will tell you that it was a Kickstarter exclusive, and will not be made available.


I mean imagine how you would feel if you had paid for that kind of exclusive access, to only later have it given away or sold freely. I know I wouldn't be happy about it. (Have actually had this happen to me before.)

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yeah but some of us couldnt thats why i said i would even pay for it again even though i have the newer version of the game seen as it was an exclusive when i couldnt buy it cause of being a little kid and parents having money issues.



thanks though you have been a great help :)


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