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ALPHA 20 Modding Problem?


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Hey everyone I have a couple of mods and play it with friends The problem is Ich I can start it without any problems I get no error message only when I'm in game after a while I get the following error message EXC 'NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object' Can someone help me with this in detail Thanks in advance German/English

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Wow, you got a lot of errors.  I am surprised your computer just didn't throw up its hands and walk away  😉


Let me look through them and I will give you some steps to do.  Probably will be multiple steps.


To start with, lets remove some A19 mods.  Remove these mods:

  • Zams_TreeEggstravaganza
  • PhD Bigger Forge Input 1.0 (A19)
  • PhD Bigger Crafting Queue x 10 1.3 (A19)


These mods are giving you errors so lets remove them for now

  • ElectricityButtonsPush-master
  • Personal mods
  • enZombieHarvest-main


Go to Game launcher and have it clear out all previous data


Start a new game, new map (or use one of the pregen), start it up to generate a new log file and post it.

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I also see a couple of mod load errors:



2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Alchemy-main
2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 WRN [MODS] Folder Alchemy-main does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring
2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: Alchemy-main

2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.768 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Config
2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.768 WRN [MODS] Folder Config does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring
2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.768 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: Config


Not sure if the failed loading of Alcemy-main created issues elsewhere, and Config looks like a folder structure issue.  Any mods in this folder should be pulled out like the others

TFP Behemoth should also be removed as enZombies overhauls the entitygroups file and Error Null doesn't list it as one of the compatible mods for their mod.

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As someone who loads a lot of mods in games: I suggest loading only 10 or so of the "must have' mods you want.  start a new Navezgame map with them and check when they game starts by hitting "F1" to watch things load.  Try to get those all not erroring together before trying to add any more.  Then add in the next batch of 10, etc.  The game does not make it easy to track down certain mod loading issues, so when you get one like this the best course of action is to identify it and remove it, unless you know enough about modding to hand edit the troublesome mod (or mods that conflict) which is a pain.  By loading 10 mods at a time, and then pulling out the ones that cause issues, you can generally get a lot of mods to load.  you will find some mods are more like "mini overhauls" of certain parts of the game that make a lot of changes and just don't work well with a lot of other mods, but this takes time to figure out, and every update of the game changes this as well.


As long as the game is in alpha and the modding "abilities" are a bit fast and loose, this will likely be the case.  Hopefully when it goes gold the modding will be improved a bit and it will be easier for modders to flag known mod incompatibilities or requirements, as well as beefing up the logging of which mod is causing an error.


Anyway: FYI: the most "non overhaul" mods I can usually get in a game are around 90 before things start getting really bad/lots of errors/incompatibilities, and even then I'm hand modifying individual mods to fix small issues (if I want to keep them), and even then I still have issues in game that are not errors, just weird things like inability to craft things, recipes that don't unlock with perks, etc.  when I hit these, I just load up "cheat mode" during a game and give myself the item I "deserved", but it can get bad enough to ruin a game.  I had a game once where several weapons could not be loaded, etc.


Also: for these types of errors:

2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Alchemy-main
2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 WRN [MODS] Folder Alchemy-main does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring
2022-01-28T19:46:19 8.767 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: Alchemy-main

The reason is usually the mod has an extra toplevel folder.  so go into that folder ("Alchemy-main" for example) and you'll likely notice another folder in it with a similar name (lets call it "Alchemy_V1" for example) . Go into that folder and you'll likely see a "ModInfo.xml" file.  This means that the "Alchemy_V1" folder is actually the mod, so you have to copy that into the Mods folder to get it to load (even though *still* follow the suggestions of @BFT2020 above and remove the mod for now, I'm just using this is an example of why mods have issues not loading).  This issues of the "extra mod folder" is a result of how modders package their mods, added with the face of how mod sites package the download and how you unzip/unpack them.  In the future its a good idea to check for this whenever you download any mod (open the mod folder, look for "ModInfo.xml").  I find maybe about 20%? of the mods I download have this issue.

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@doughphunghus suggestion is also a good one, it just depends on how you want to approach the problem.  His is a trial and error approach to eliminate the troubleshooting mods.  Mine is more surgical as I like to see what errors I am getting and try to go directly to those mods to see what the issue is.  Neither approach will lead you down the wrong path, just depends on how comfortable you are at with troubleshooting the issue.


We haven't heard back from you so curious on if you had a chance to look deeper into your issues.  One thing that gets me are the error messages you are getting with Error Null's zombie harvest mod.  Without going further into it, I noticed that it loads that modlet first before it loads up the other mods that adds new zombie types to the game.  This one might be a simple fix of changing the modlet name so it loads last, like perhaps change it to Z_enZombieHarvest-main.  This would guarantee that it loads up after all of the other mods that adds new zombie types to the game.

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When you removed the mods that were mentioned, did you start a new game or trying to use an existing save?


You need to restart a new game (not necessary a new map but depending on what the mods you have loaded, you might need to regenerate a new map) when you add or remove mods to make sure that you don't have asset issues.  If the mod you add or remove affects 


Hard to make out what your exact issue is based on the screenshot (log files are the best), but making a guess, the game is trying to spawn in an entity and it can't find the entity.



EntityFactor: CreateEntity: Unknown type


Also what mods do you currently have loaded?

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