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We changed up our settings this time and we have greatly enjoyed it.


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Usually we would play the game on the hardest settings, Insane difficulty, always run, and all the settings like that.  This time we decided to change it up and went on the second lowest difficulty setting, normal zombies always walk and ferals always jog but cranked that zombie spawns up high.  The regular spawn rate in the forest is like 1 zombie every 2-3 days but we increased it to 10 zombies every 0.5 days.  So usually we have massive amounts of zombies spawning in the morning and then again at night.  With Feral Sense on we are forced to go out and deal with all these zombies or they would overrun us quickly.  Then we installed a mod that increased wandering hordes from once a day with a few zombies to every 3 hours with 50 zombies.  We are on day 39 now but have killed almost 20k zombies between the two of us.  I've found that fighting against large amounts of easier to kill zombies is far more enjoyable than killing small amounts of bullet sponge zombies that take forever to kill.  Also we've installed a mod where the traders are open 24/7 so we can go out and do questing and stuff at night.  Having the zombies walk at night, besides ferals who jog, and the trader being open means we can continue on with our regularly scheduled activities and don't feel the need to just sit around the base until the sun comes back up.  It's been very nice and has been so enjoyable.  I know this playstyle isn't for everyone but I think people should give it a try and see how it feels to fight against hordes all the time.  

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Agree, you have to change things up to keep the game feeling fresh.

By default I change it to run by day & walk at night, except for BM and ferals.

Just wish we had Zombie HP & Damage as separate properties. I’d want them hitting like a truck but not be sponges, for a couple of games at least.


Also, random BM time would be awesome! BM a day, with some tweaks, at any time would be crazy fun.

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I used to play the same exact way, but then you get bored of linear gameplay. When you lower the difficulty and can go toward any playstyle you want, the game becomes infinitely more fun.


I am currently waiting on Darkness falls to fully release for A20 so I can jump into that. Being able to play and survive on the hardest difficulty is a great challenge, but it's not for something all the time.


I don't utilize the fully sandbox world enough, and I've been creating mods to change that (for myself and those who download them on Nexus.) I hope everyone can find and achieve the playstyle they prefer!

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I tried feral sense on 24/7, and I can say its not a good thing for it being on all the time, turning to just night and making zombies Faster at night but slower during the day has felt good tho. I dont play with mods, and I agree larger easier to kill hordes seems better overall the bullet sponges. I feel that wandering hordes mod would be great but I have a ....older computer and barely run the game on lowest settings with no issues, anything more i am afraid to over burden my computer. Tho i can run rimworld with like 300 mods XD granted only about 60-80 of those are large mods with game changing stuff on a huge scale. Rest are just some QOL mods.

I heard of a mod that makes screamer interaction more interesting, more about choosing to kill them or not, avoiding them/avoid the area for a day or two to make them lose interest in the area. If i ever get a another computer, definitely going to try some of these mods for 7dtd.
Honestly hoping with Alpha 21 that bandits and AI overall changes happen. Cause that would add new elements of interaction.

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21 hours ago, Sjustus548 said:

I've found that fighting against large amounts of easier to kill zombies is far more enjoyable than killing small amounts of bullet sponge zombies that take forever to kill.


Absolutely this!  I play on easy mode with increased zombie spawns and I'm trying to get a head shot only modlet that actually works on my dedicated server.  Haven't found one yet, though.  Bullet sponge zombies aren't very fun and just strain my hand and fingers anyway (I primary use the bow).

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