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Found a bug that could actually be a good gameplay feature


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After using the M60 for a bit of time, I came across what I can assume is a bug. I noticed that occasionally whilst fighting hordes, when I aimed it would zoom in and steady my aim like I was aiming, but without actually looking down the weapon's sights. Eventually I found out how to recreate the bug very easily by just double tapping right click. I'm not sure what other weapons this may work on but I know it doesn't affect the auto-shotgun, SMG-9 and Desert Vulture. Adding and removing the attachments on my M60 doesn't seem to affect it but I actually rather like it to be honest. It has all the penalties and buffs of regular aiming just without the iron sights so it's not technically an advantage but it's fits very nicely when steadying the aim on close targets and I think all weapons should have this ability.

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Well no, they don't HAVE to be. Iron sights aren't always gonna be better than nothing. And like I said, this bug's aim bridges a gap between the range where you don't wanna aim at all, and when you wanna aim with your sights. It's really preferable over using the iron sights when the enemies are too close for it to feel right but not close enough that you're confident that hip-firing would be just as effective. I spoke to some people in the Discord about it yesterday and they actually seem to support the bug and the idea of it becoming a gameplay feature.

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I like the idea, hip firing in games has always been bad. "I aim down sights, 100% accuracy" then you don't aim down sights and now you have bullets coming out 30° from the barrel? Makes no sense.


Edit: the only game I've played that does hip firing correctly is Killing Floor 2. It is actually logical in that game. The longer you hold fire down, the less inaccurate you get and the more your gun shakes. If you time it out with a 50 millisecond to 1 second interval, you can get it somewhat back in control. Much like in real life.

Edited by Darklegend222 (see edit history)
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Exactly, PUBG put in a system like this, where holding the aim button steadied a hip fire aim, and tapping it toggled ADS. Though I wouldn't say this was executed well since the accuracy of most weapons in that game is pretty bad......like the sound design

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You describe this as bridging a gap between 'full' aiming down the sights and not aiming at all: in other words something between firing from the hip and firing from the shoulder.  But doesn't using this bug look and behave exactly like aiming down the sights, with the one difference that the weapon isn't drawn up close to the camera?


If this were a real implemented feature to provide a middle ground like you propose, then to make all three options worthwhile it would have to give you only part of the benefit of actually aiming down the sights.  But if I understand you correctly, it's currently giving you the whole benefit that aiming down the sights gives you, plus arguably more since the sights and the rest of the weapon aren't blocking part of your view.


So there may be a salvageable idea here, but the design doesn't sound viable as currently 'implemented' by the bug.

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8 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

Why is it preferable to zoom in without the iron sights?  Iron sights are supposed to be better than nothing.  That's why they exist.

Because they're a real life feature that is made redundant by the crosshair in game. You wouldn't need them IRL if you had a similar crosshair. You might of course need to shoulder your weapon for stability and/or preserving your limbs, which would be the opposite to what is being proposed here, but it would basically work the same.


The game gun blocks half your screen and your vision zooms in making close shots real hard. I think it also uses the zoomed-in-mouse setting, which is way too slow for close quarters.


With a real weapon, you're able to look with both eyes, essentially seeing through the weapon. No zooming either .. :)


That all said, the only weapons that would really need it in game are the rifle family. And with those, a folding stock and a fore grip and run&gun combined do turn one into a usable hip-firing tool. Add a laser dot for perfect shots.


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Just want to note there is a book in the Machine gun books, that makes your aim more accurate the more you fire......did you have that active/read when using the M60? if you had said this glitch was with the pistol ( or otherwise non-automatic weapon) I may of been like huh neat.....but I saw that book in my last play through just yesterday. So just wondering if that is the bug you are speaking of. In other news, I would agree that this bug giving you the benefit of the iron sights but no penalty of view is very one sided.  currently I see in the game that iron sights does not give 100% accurate shots but does indeed make the shots more likely to be in line with the sight your shooting with distance increasing the odds of a slight divert from aim. it seems real to me.

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