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The Spencer Mansion Incident (Resident Evil) v1.0


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Welcome to Resident Evil: Reimagined!


Have you got what it takes to go back to where it all began? Enter the Survival Horror!

The Spencer Mansion Incident is a 7 Days to Die overhaul mod that plays a LOT more like Resident Evil than it does 7 Days to Die, with an end goal to aim for, escape.



1) Requires version *** v1.0 *** vanilla files to work.
2) It will always be night, so be sure to change the Zombie Night Speed to your liking. (Walk is recommended)

1) The Spencer Mansion Incident is a unique and challenging mod, and will test your combat and maneuverability skills.
2) Are your observation skills good enough to make it out alive?
3) Two-player is NOT supported anymore! (Custom code isn't compatible and bugs out, I'm sorry!)
4) Twitch Integration is NOT supported!!

1) Limited Inventory: You'll be restricted to the 10 slot toolbelt.
2) Doors are indestructible, however, zombies can open unlocked doors.
3) You cannot jump.
4) Zombies can revive into Crimson heads if not dispatched correctly!
5) Ink Ribbons for Manual Saving!
6) If you die, simply exit your game and reload your save (requires saving first).

1) Increase the volume of ambient sounds about 50%.
2) Set music to play 100% of the time.
3) Lighting is balanced for 50% brightness. There is a portable light source to be found.

Manual Download (A20.7) - https://github.com/Frantic-Dan/Spencer-Mansion-Incident---Resident-Evil
Manual Download (A21.2) - https://github.com/Frantic-Dan/Spencer-Mansion-Incident-A21
Manual Download (v1.1) - https://github.com/Frantic-Dan/Spencer-Mansion-Incident-v1-Mod-v5.0
Also available on the Mod Launcher

7 Days to Die Forum Thread - https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/27467-the-spencer-mansion-incident-resident-evil-a212/

Changes for v1.1

- AK-47.
- Rocket Launcher.
- About 40 revivable zombies.

- Grenade Launcher
- Grenade Shells, Acid Shells and Incendiary Shells for the Grenade Launcher.
- Classic Mode (Jill & Chris): Adds restrictions similar to Resident Evil 1.

- Increased non-boss enemy health by 40% to compensate less enemy count.
- Reworked difficulty levels, including amount of ammo found.
- Revival times are slightly quicker.
- Nitro Compound now explodes if you run with it. (Thanks HellsJanitor)
- Key and mask pickups now have custom models. (Thanks HellsJanitor)

Known Issue: DirectoryNotFoundException
For those who installed using the Mod Launcher, you'll likely get this error.
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\7D2D\v1\SpencerMansion_Incident-Resident_Evil\Spencer_Mansion_Incident-_Resident_Evil_Jill_Valentines_Story\Saves\YourPreviousMapYouPlayed\YourPreviousGameNameYouPlayed'.


You will need to navigate your PC directory to the 'Saves' folder, then create both of these new folders that the game is trying to access. First folder inside the Saves folder, then open the newly created folder to create the second folder. The spelling needs to be exact.

Edited by FranticDan (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, Rixuous said:

When I try to load the world it gives me an error "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and repeats indefinitely until I force quit the application.

Did you select 'Spencer Mansion Incident' for the world?
Did you download and install manually or through the Mod Launcher?
Are you playing on A20.1?

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Hello sir.
I enjoy playing the mod. But I had a problem. I couldn't start the game until I did change back one file. The Assembly-CSharp.dll
Without it I can play it and already made it trough some riddles. At the moment i try ot find the last mask and 3 more keys. Also some crests, i guess and trying to figure out what i have to do with the Moon and Wind crest at the moment. I like that some doors are hidden, but there are no hints for those doors. I also like that you raise the difficulty to gain materials. Some materials are more worth as other, since you will never gain them again.

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6 hours ago, Azuhe said:

Hello sir.
I enjoy playing the mod. But I had a problem. I couldn't start the game until I did change back one file. The Assembly-CSharp.dll
Without it I can play it and already made it trough some riddles. At the moment i try ot find the last mask and 3 more keys. Also some crests, i guess and trying to figure out what i have to do with the Moon and Wind crest at the moment. I like that some doors are hidden, but there are no hints for those doors. I also like that you raise the difficulty to gain materials. Some materials are more worth as other, since you will never gain them again.

You need to have the A20.1 (b6) vanilla files (latest experimental), that's why you couldn't play. You are currently playing with unintended settings by removing the Assembly-CSharp.dll

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hmm. I see. So far I see it, it work like it should be... I even got the perma night and zombie respawn 24h ingame. Loot seem to be also managed. idk which setting will miss, If i don't have the Assembly-CSharp.dll. Just finish Plant 42.
Also my game run since i started it none stop ._. gave me surely like +24h 7d2d game time already.

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2 minutes ago, Azuhe said:

hmm. I see. So far I see it, it work like it should be... I even got the perma night and zombie respawn 24h ingame. Loot seem to be also managed. idk which setting will miss, If i don't have the Assembly-CSharp.dll. Just finish Plant 42.
Also my game run since i started it none stop ._. gave me surely like +24h 7d2d game time already.

Assembly-CSharp.dll disables zombie rage and adjusts the difficulty settings damage %'s

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13 minutes ago, Azuhe said:

so my dmg is not as it should be also my dmg taken. even tough i got a hard time to deal with certain zombie on the second lowest difficulty? zombie rage? you mean that they get hurt to a certain point, that they get more aggressive? (faster)

Exactly, the damage's that are stated in the menu are not what they actually are since you removed Assembly-CSharp.dll

Yes, zombie rage is when they start going faster

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In overall as it is now. It is already a good training to get better with coordinating with item and I like the riddles. also the modified zombies are fun. Hunter are annoying, but still not bullet wasting kills. I think i finish 2 boss fight? 1 i used the rocket launcher and 1 bullet without thinking about it. The other i had to shoot severall time with shotgun.

The rage is not bad. Raise the difficulty a bit, since the z suddenly get faster. for people, that want to play hardest difficulty, it could get a real problem.

Already walk is faster as z from RE. The best you can do, is to knife at the start and keep bullet for enemies, that are real trouble. Like Hunter.
It may be not the dmg it should be, but it still hard, but good for me to get back in to survival horro like that.

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37 minutes ago, Azuhe said:

In overall as it is now. It is already a good training to get better with coordinating with item and I like the riddles. also the modified zombies are fun. Hunter are annoying, but still not bullet wasting kills. I think i finish 2 boss fight? 1 i used the rocket launcher and 1 bullet without thinking about it. The other i had to shoot severall time with shotgun.

The rage is not bad. Raise the difficulty a bit, since the z suddenly get faster. for people, that want to play hardest difficulty, it could get a real problem.

Already walk is faster as z from RE. The best you can do, is to knife at the start and keep bullet for enemies, that are real trouble. Like Hunter.
It may be not the dmg it should be, but it still hard, but good for me to get back in to survival horro like that.

If you invest your skill points into the damaging perks and attributes, and craft some HiPower ammo, you can do some serious headshot damage. I've made it possible to knife only, of course doing so requires skill, stamina management and knowing how the enemies react and path. 
You can also refund your points to change your build as you get further.

I wouldn't recommend the two hardest difficulties for the first playthrough, but after your first you know what to expect and can plan ahead.

36 minutes ago, Robeloto said:

This mod looks like a lot of fun. Gonna test this when I have some more free time. I love Resident Evil. It gave me so much chills and excitement when I played it back in 96. Good times. 

As a Resident Evil fan myself, I've put in a lot of effort and thought to my mod for the best RE experience possible

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I can only tell, that is true. I can literally feel the love. Also love edit of the mansion. I had to manage the coutryard on my own, since there was no playtrough for that yet, but I manage. I had to use playtrough for the hidden rooms. 2 of 3 I could have find without help. 1 of 3 I did find on my own. There is this hidden ladder aswell, but i found that one, after I had so many troubles with the other 3 rooms, that made me stuck.
I already crafting Hi Ammo. I mostly use knife and only try to use ammo on enemy, that are hard to beat without. My armor is leather and i hope, I don't need to go for iron. Don't want to be slowed down to much.
I hope i can mange to find the last key. I am ingame at day 3. I had few hunters spawn at me. The poison can be dangerous from the snakes, but it not dangerous. Probaly poison at higher diffucilty is more dangerous.

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10 hours ago, Azuhe said:

It seem I miss something to enter the Tyrant room? I push the button, but the door didn't open.

Also... Do I have to kill the Tyrant first before I can use the workbench?

The button should open the vault door, I was watching a streamer last night and the door opened for them.

Yes you need to kill the Tyrant to repair the workbench

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3 minutes ago, Azuhe said:


as you said, can't be destroyed.

That door should definitely open when you press the button, I've never had it not open in any of my play tests or from watching others play.
I just did a quick test and it opened for me. I have no explanation as to why it didn't for you, the different version doesn't make sense to be the cause.

The only thing you can do is turn DM on and allow yourself to go through the door, then turn DM off until you finish with the room and go through the door again with DM

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i guess normally, when you klick the button, the vault door open and the vault trapdoor close, but it seem it didn'T work by me. i probaly going to try the mode on the newest version again. Should do there, what it was suppossed to do. Lise Trevor was unkillable. I even try to kill her XD

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6 minutes ago, Azuhe said:

i guess normally, when you klick the button, the vault door open and the vault trapdoor close, but it seem it didn'T work by me. i probaly going to try the mode on the newest version again. Should do there, what it was suppossed to do. Lise Trevor was unkillable. I even try to kill her XD

Yes, it opens the vault door and closes the vault hatch to trap you in the boss room until you kill the boss.

Yes, Lisa can't be killed

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also. When do i get the wrench? It feel like, I have to find it, to get mechanical and electronic parts for the gyro, cause i killed the Tyrant now. sadly had to use dm to get trough the door. And yeah. It did not closes the hatch and open the door, so the button simple didn't work by me, whyever.

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3 minutes ago, Azuhe said:

also. When do i get the wrench? It feel like, I have to find it, to get mechanical and electronic parts for the gyro, cause i killed the Tyrant now. sadly had to use dm to get trough the door. And yeah. It did not closes the hatch and open the door, so the button simple didn't work by me, whyever.

The wrench is in the Tyrant boss room

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