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Random full system freezes


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I have been getting full system freezes while playing that require me to restart my computer and I haven't noticed any consistency. I have attached the 3 most recent logs.





Windows 10 64 bit
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 6 core 3.2GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

I have verified system files, game files, graphic drivers, hard drive health, and temperatures.

Edited by Blitzling (see edit history)
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Is anything being reported in Windows Event Viewer about the freezes? Is this been a recent thing or have you been able to play A20 fine up until recently? The reason that I ask is the logs end abruptly with no errors.  That usually points to an issue outside the game that fails while the game is running. The game is a massive cpu and ram hog, so it can bring out problems in hardware. You’ve updated graphics drivers, checked system files and hard drive health which is great but I’d also test your ram using Memtest, my fav, or Windows built-in mamory diagnostic program. Check for any chipset updates as well. Be sure that your 7 Days folder is excluded from your antivirus/antimalware software too. This problem, unfortunately, could be many things. 

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I have only recently started playing A20 after a long 7days hiatus and its a fresh install. I don't see anything that seems related to the freeze in Event Viewer. I do get "Session "dc3a3596-71e1-45a3-b2ea-39ad5322fe51" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022" every five minutes, but that seems to be an issue with Easy Anticheat. I'll run the memtest and look for chipset updates next.

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Yes, that’s due to too-busy eac servers. If you are playing single player or only on servers with friends, you can turn off EAC on your rig and the server to deal with that. I don't think’ that is causing your issue but at least that’s an easy fix. Hopefully someone else here has some other thoughts on your freezes.

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32 minutes ago, Blitzling said:

Memtest came back clear and I updated my chipset. I still had crashes until I launched without easy anticheat, and I haven't had any issues yet.

Good to know….. I wonder if it’s a temporary EAC issue that will be fixed with their next update? Hopefully you can at least continue playing without EAC until things are worked out.

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On 1/20/2022 at 10:59 AM, Blitzling said:

I have verified system files, game files, graphic drivers, hard drive health, and temperatures.

Also check that your swapfile is set to be managed by windows. For whatever strange reason Unity doesn't like a small, manually set swapfile.

And another thing you could check for is a bios update for the motherboard.

Any overclock of cpu, ram, or gpu happening? Turn those off as well.

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On 1/21/2022 at 3:27 PM, Beelzybub said:

Also check that your swapfile is set to be managed by windows. For whatever strange reason Unity doesn't like a small, manually set swapfile.

And another thing you could check for is a bios update for the motherboard.

Any overclock of cpu, ram, or gpu happening? Turn those off as well.

Swapfile was set to auto, I'm not overclocking anything. I can't figure out where to go for my BIOS update because my motherboard manufacturer is listed as "PS" which I haven't been able to find online.

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Does the computer freeze like the game video freezes completely and the system becomes unresponsive? 


Honestly, running a memory test just once usually doesn't show errors right off the bat, sometimes you have to run different tests multiple times. I've ran memtest86 2 times in a row once on memory settings I knew were unstable which passed, then I used the memory test included in Ryzen DRAM calculator and it found an error after 3 runs. 


That does sound like either a memory or power issue. Could be the operating system, do the harder fixes for Windows like DISM or just a Windows refresh (the one that keeps your files just reinstalls the OS).


If it is a prebuilt, I would troubleshoot it asap in case it is hardware, then take advantage of your warranty. 

Edited by Jugginator (see edit history)
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I was getting these in Alpha 19 and nailed it down to hyper-threading being enabled. My Asus ROG board loves to reset bios settings to default on a flash and I forgot to turn that off so I got this once in Alpha 20 as well. Once I turned off hyper-threading I stopped getting the hard system crashes.

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On 1/23/2022 at 2:45 PM, Blitzling said:

Swapfile was set to auto, I'm not overclocking anything. I can't figure out where to go for my BIOS update because my motherboard manufacturer is listed as "PS" which I haven't been able to find online.

The repairs Jugginator mentioned are these, run from a cmd prompt as administrator.


DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth


sfc /scannow

What brand is your computer?


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34 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

The repairs Jugginator mentioned are these, run from a cmd prompt as administrator.


DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth


sfc /scannow

What brand is your computer?


I got a prebuilt from Micro Center several years ago. PowerSpec G500.

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I can't believe I forgot to google my computer model to find the motherboard info.


I ran DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and sfc /scannow several times, scan came back clean. BIOS and chipset are updated. I'll post an update when I get a chance to run the game.

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