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What is the "General Master" mod?


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So, browsing through the game files today I've come across some interesting blacked-out images:

1. General Master Mod

2. Robotic Drone Weapon Mod

3. Robotic Drone Stun Weapon Mod


Now, I know some of the blacked-out images are things like Zombie Projectiles and things the player can't craft, find or use, but what about these mods?

I know I'd love it if my drone could zap some zeds or non-friendlies.

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Any speculation on what the General Master Mod could be? The other two are kind of self-explanatory, but that one is a head scratcher.

Maybe an all-purpose mod for a weapon or tool that increases damage against undead and living creatures? Just a thought.

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26 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Could just be a "base mod" to make other mods from. I think there's a zombieHandMaster somewhere in the melee config and such.


So close  😉


<item name="meleeHandMaster">


<item name="meleeHandZombie01">
    <property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/>


Zombies get to share the same master as us puny regular humans 😁


To expand on TheFlu's response, the master typically has default information / variables in it that you can use to extend to other entities.  This way, you don't have to repeat common variables on each new item / block / node you have in the file.  You can just add new items that the master doesn't have or re-add a same item if the value is different (which the game will overwrite the master value for the specific item you are changing).


A good example is Iron Axe and Steel Axe in the items.xml file.

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4 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Heh, I kinda thought it was probably melee* after I'd written that, but wasn't exactly worthy of opening the xml to check for the actual point .. thanks anyway :)


Killing time at work and I finished my special loot file for another project so it was an easy pop in and check.....and realized that I haven't downloaded and copied A20.1 files yet so I can't scan them to see what the changes they have made yet  😔

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