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Which melee weapon is your favorite?


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7 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

Machete is without a doubt the strongest weapon on the hardest difficulties.
The safest one is a fully upgraded stunbaton (AoE stun and every stun ragdolls)

I find clubs to be the strongest weapon.  If you get all the books then you are refilling your stamina with every power attack kill.  Being able to constantly power attack is so nice.  My wife uses the Machete all the time and she loves it though.  I might have to give it a better try sometime.  As for the stun baton it is great with the Stun Repulsor and the candies to make the stun an AoE but the low damage of it makes it less desirable in my eyes.  


40 minutes ago, ElCabong said:

Baseball bat. There are other clubs that are better and I never got very interested in clubs until the baseball bat was introduced into the game. A club is essential at the start of the game and the best way to deal with some problems like buzzards. But I didn't like it and rarely used it unless I had to. I played baseball when I was a kid.


I find it very therapeutic to walk around clubbing zombies in the head with a baseball bat after coming home from work.

Yeah I've always preferred the Baseball Bat over the Steel Club.  Just feels better to use and more aesthetically pleasing.  Plus there is something nice about putting on the baseball cap, sport jacket, jeans, and running shoes to go out and slaughter zombies.  Just go and swing for the fences lol.  

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4 hours ago, ElDudorino said:


I've heard that Insane mode is just Bullet Sponge Central so I haven't even considered it for an instant 😐



I only play insane level always run zombies.... 
The sledge hammer is probably the key to doing it as you can make one in first min of the game and you can still remove heads in one or 2 hits if your lucky.

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Club is the best weapon I have used over all, especially against the zombies on higher difficulties.  And here's why...


It's faster than the SLUDGEhammer despite doing less damage, buuuut the club does the same stun and knockdown multiple zombies like the SH, and you can rank Flurry of Blows to speed up the club to get that damage back up to sludgehammer range a bit (DPS wise). And it uses less stamina than the SH and the weighted mod adds more knockdown chance.  So you have good damage, stuns and knockdowns (crowd control).


I have tried the spear, knife/machete and baton right up to "end" game with game difficulty set to survivalist and insane, and I will tell you they "feel" less effective once you get swarmed.  And the Sledgehammer, although cool and the rag dolling the zeds a barrel of laughs, on a not so stable to average public server you can get hit more often than using the other weapons because of client/server latency.


Edited by Ripflex (see edit history)
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Yeah, still never having played on insane, I did give the machete a try for a while unperked because I found a Q6 as an upgrade to my Q2 steel club. I could see how it's devastating to a couple of zombies due to bleed, slow, and dismemberment, which the perks would only boost, but the Q2 steel club was still the better weapon against multiple attackers due to AoE stun+knockdown. If I funnel a bunch of zombies through a doorway I can knock them all down with one attack.


Also, it seems like the machete gets kind of crappy mods. Clubs have some pretty good mods to fill up those slots on a Q6.

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For me it is the machette. I played the original dying light and I had fun chopping legs off and the arms. HMMmmmm tasty, of course the head off next.


I just like to do some chopping, or, as the Pet Shop Boys would sing 'lets do some shopping'


Secondary weapon, not melee, is a crossbow. Again I can shoot the legs offm armms off, head off.

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