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Crash to Blue Screen


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Game crashed to blue screen with error: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT

Game crashes while playing at random times. Last major crash corrupted the saved files and resulted in hours of gameplay lost. Also looking for a way to auto backup  saved games / map and player info while bugs are being worked out.


I have tried the following:

-removed and installed the game

-updated GPU drivers

-upgraded (or downgraded depending) to Windows 11

-DirectX 12

-Set all in game graphics to low



System Info



Edited by SylenThunder
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I have no experience with Windows 11 but you stated you’re having the same issue with Windows 10 so it shouldn’t matter. Have you run memtest or the built-in  windows memory management tool? You could possibly have some ram issues. Is your swap file set to let Windows manage it? It’s best to let Windows take care of it. Since you’ve changed os to try and work through this, I doubt corrupted system files are the issue but it wouldn’t hurt to run the scan especially if your ram checks out fine. You’ve updated video drivers which is good, hopefully you’ve scanned for malware. I’m betting your ram is the issue. Be sure to open your case and make sure that somehow your ram sticks are seated properly. Maybe someone else will chime in with some other suggestions.

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Ive done the memory test VIA windows with no errors. Im going to try memtest86 VIA the BIOS settings, its more detailed. It seems I also have problems with one other game, not sure if its related. ALL other games work fine, no problems. The RAM is only 4 months old, never O/C'd. System is water cooled and runs under 50c while under load.

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In a way, I hope memtest comes back with something, at least you’ll have an answer to your frustrating issue. I, personally, have gotten defective brand new ram, a real good quality Corsair stick. Fortunately, it was an easy rma under warranty.


I tried googling your issue and the most popular reason is faulty display drivers but you said you updated those. Did you do a clean install? I use Geforce Experience to do a clean install with every new version that comes out. I’m just tossing out ideas but it seems you’ve considered most of them. Any bloatware or any other unnecessary software running in the background?

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Ive wiped A19 and did a fresh install

I do not have mods, no other bloatware, no other background programs, no virus checkers etc

I did a complete memtest86 with no errors

It may be an issue with unity, a small unity window appears with no error code

I play solo, no servers

Im using Geforce Experience that deletes the old driver and installs the new one


I play many other games, and I am not having any issues with them

Problems started after A20 was released

I have 2300 hours on 7DTD, first time with problems causing the PC to crash


Error Log is located https://pastebin.com/xwntL7GB




UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)

in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:87c228d3.


Edited by bsweetman
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Very, very odd….was really betting on the ram. Like SylenThunder mentioned, can you post your output log from your last crash? Maybe there’s something there that will give some clues. I haven’t heard of blue screen error just due to 7 Days, blue screens while playing 7 Days has always uncovered some hardware or driver issue. I’m quite puzzled at this point. What was the other game that you played where you had issues?

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The error log is located on the link in my last post. I am also playing Satisfactory Update 5, crashes frequently. I'll keep trying to find out what exactly the problem is. The error log started with: UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:87c228d3.

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3 hours ago, bsweetman said:

Im using Geforce Experience that deletes the old driver and installs the new one

Nust a note, it only does this if you choose advanced options and select the setting for "perform a clean isntall". GeForce Experience doesn't do this. It's a standard setting under advanced installation.

All GeForce Experience does is bloat your system, screw up video settings for games, and give you another streaming platform you don't need.


Again I will ask, did you exclude the client from security software?  If you didn't install software, you have Windows Defender. 

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15 hours ago, bsweetman said:

The error log is located on the link in my last post. I am also playing Satisfactory Update 5, crashes frequently. I'll keep trying to find out what exactly the problem is. The error log started with: UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:87c228d3.


"Access violation" is a big hint that this is about access rights, either static settings for the directories or much more likely security software.


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