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dedicated server randomly killed a player


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I have a dedicated server that I play on with a few friends, and I was informed by one of my players that they logged in and instantly died. he said he was at low health before he previously logged off, but not bleeding out. I even checked the logs, and I found nothing to show why he died. is this a bug or just some weird feature I need to change? (moderators, if I'm in the wrong forum section, please let me know).


here is the log section where he just died with no warning. I have edited out steam/EOS IDs and IP addresses, and colored the text red where it happened.


2022-01-07 13:06:18    0    Log    [EAC] Log: [EAC Server] [Info] [13:06:18:540][Windows][EAC Server] [Info][Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0000000000000008
2022-01-07 13:06:18    0    Log    [EAC] Log: [EAC Server] [Info] [13:06:18:540][Windows][EAC Server] [Info][QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0000000000000008 Session: 8 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
2022-01-07 13:06:18    0    Log    [EAC] UserStatusHandler callback. Status: ClientAuthenticatedRemote ReqKick: False Message: Client authenticated remotely
2022-01-07 13:06:18    0    Log    [Auth] EAC authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_                     ', CrossId='EOS_                     ', OwnerID='Steam_                     ', PlayerName='vannabanana2'
2022-01-07 13:06:18    0    Log    Allowing player with id EOS_                     
2022-01-07 13:06:18    0    Log    RequestToEnterGame: EOS_                     /vannabanana2
2022-01-07 13:06:38    0    Log    Time: 2765.03m FPS: 20.01 Heap: 3748.4MB Max: 3847.1MB Chunks: 64 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (107) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 5164.7MB
2022-01-07 13:07:08    0    Log    Time: 2765.53m FPS: 20.18 Heap: 3556.0MB Max: 3847.1MB Chunks: 64 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (107) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 5166.7MB
2022-01-07 13:07:11    0    Log    Update items to send for vannabanana2 id: -1 recieved: 1766
2022-01-07 13:07:12    0    Log    Items to send: 0 Added: 94 chunks: 1765
2022-01-07 13:07:13    0    Log    RequestToSpawnPlayer: 12550, vannabanana2, 6
2022-01-07 13:07:13    0    Log    Created player with id=12550
2022-01-07 13:07:13    0    Log    Player connected, entityid=12550, name=vannabanana2, pltfmid=Steam_                     , crossid=EOS_                     , steamOwner=Steam_                     , ip=                       
2022-01-07 13:07:13    0    Log    3703239 EntityVehicle PostInit [type=EntityMinibike, name=vehicleMinibike, id=13467], (3467.9, 48.2, -365.9) (chunk 216, -23), rbPos (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
2022-01-07 13:07:13    0    Log    3703239 VehicleManager loaded #2, id 13467, [type=EntityMinibike, name=vehicleMinibike, id=13467], (3467.9, 48.2, -365.9), chunk 216, -23 (216, -23)
2022-01-07 13:07:13    0    Log    3703239 VehicleManager Update loaded 1
2022-01-07 13:07:15    0    Log    Alt slots does not contain male_shaggy_hair_hat!
2022-01-07 13:07:15    0    Warning    Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer
2022-01-07 13:07:16    0    Log    GMSG: Player 'vannabanana2' joined the game
2022-01-07 13:07:16    0    Log    Player set to online: Steam_                     
2022-01-07 13:07:16    0    Log    PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: JoinMultiplayer, position: 3464, 52, -357): EntityID=12550, PltfmId='Steam_                     ', CrossId='EOS_                     ', OwnerID='Steam_                     ', PlayerName='vannabanana2'
2022-01-07 13:07:16    0    Log    GMSG: Player 'vannabanana2' died
2022-01-07 13:07:16    0    Log    3703342 EntityBackpack id 0, plyrId 12550, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (0, 0), chunk False (0, 0, 0), items 45 casinoCoin, ammo762mmBulletBall at (0, 0, 0, xz 0 0) : Read
2022-01-07 13:07:16    0    Log    3703342 EntityBackpack id 13680, plyrId 12550, (3464.9, 54.1, -357.8) (216, -23), chunk True (216, 3, -23), items 45 casinoCoin, ammo762mmBulletBall at (0, 0, 0, xz 0 0) : Write
2022-01-07 13:07:16    0    Log    3703342 EntityBackpack id 13680, plyrId 12550, (3464.9, 54.1, -357.8) (216, -23), chunk True (216, 3, -23), items 45 casinoCoin, ammo762mmBulletBall at (0, 0, 0, xz 0 0) : Start
2022-01-07 13:07:32    0    Log    Player set to online: Steam_                     
2022-01-07 13:07:32    0    Log    PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: Died, position: 3463, 49, -357): EntityID=12550, PltfmId='Steam_                     ', CrossId='EOS_                ', OwnerID='               ', PlayerName='vannabanana2'
2022-01-07 13:07:32    0    Warning    Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer
2022-01-07 13:07:38    0    Log    Time: 2766.03m FPS: 27.21 Heap: 3604.9MB Max: 3847.1MB Chunks: 288 CGO: 25 Ply: 1 Zom: 2 Ent: 6 (110) Items: 1 CO: 1 RSS: 5175.9MB
2022-01-07 13:07:44    0    Log    3704262 EntityBackpack id 13680, plyrId 12550, (3464.9, 52.0, -357.8) (216, -23), chunk True (216, 3, -23), items 0 at (0, 0, 0, xz 0 0) : RemoveBackpack empty True, reason empty
2022-01-07 13:07:44    0    Log    3704262 EntityBackpack id 13680, plyrId 12550, (3464.9, 52.0, -357.8) (216, -23), chunk True (216, 3, -23), items 0 at (0, 0, 0, xz 0 0) : OnEntityUnload markedForUnload False, IsDead True, IsDespawned False
2022-01-07 13:07:46    0    Log    Alt slots does not contain male_shaggy_hair_hat!
2022-01-07 13:07:46    0    Warning    Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer

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Problems are best reported in the General Support section. I don't see the reason for dying in your log snippet but there are a couple of unrelated issues that may be there. Repost this in General Support and include your entire log posted using pastebin. You have several warnings and I'm betting that there is more info about those warnings either earlier or later in the log. Is your server otherwise running normally? No other complaints or weird issues??

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the server just shuts down every few days, with nothing in the logs I can find, it just closes the program. the only other wierd issue is one of my players had 6 engines and 2 batteries, along with all the fuel, taken from his generator and battery pack. just vanished. but that hasnt happened since.

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It would be more helpful to see the log of the previous session the player logged out of to see what was happening when he logged out. Was he surrounded by zombies getting hit and logged out really fast? That log would tell us more of the story we can't see from only this log.

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