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On 3/29/2022 at 11:48 AM, xyth said:

updated most expansion packs from DarkStar and myself to add additional game stages groups used in pois.

I haven't noticed this before, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's new, I just may not have run into SWAT Shocker before...


He is forever stuck in a t-pose and will not come to me to attack, although he seems to behave as expected otherwise.


Any idea for a fix?



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13 hours ago, Namahagenader said:

Hired NPCs now suddenly die a few days after being hired. (Experimental Version:
It appears that the infection is progressing after the battle and the death occurs when the infection rate reaches 100%.
I also installed the NPC MOD alone and found that the infection rate progressed in the same way.





Thanks, we have been looking for why they occasionally die.  Seems this might be the issue.  I bumped up their resistance but seems it needs a bigger bump.

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9 hours ago, ktrain said:

Negative, this is the zombo to the left not Ivy.


He is part of the ZombiezPack...


Well, the author insists that's not his character, and not in this mod, so perhaps its from the enzombie UMA mod


New Stable!


Updated stable version to match current exp version.  new stable is likely not game save safe from old stable, but would likely be ok if you were keeping up with EXP versions.   


This version is highly optimized for dedi, so performs well over longer periods without need to reboot servers.  Threat control was removed, so Hunting mode and full control are your command options now.  


This may be the last stable build until A21, unless major bug fixes are required.  Enjoy.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, ktrain said:

Negative, this is the zombo to the left not Ivy.


He is part of the ZombiezPack...


This character is one of the enZombies, if I'm not mistaken. The identical character can be seen as part of the SWAT team in the middle of the picture.



I tested some UMA characters within the NPCMod environment and some will play along nicely while others will lose access to their animations controller, while others will lose all of their UMA clothing. ErrorNull has patched the enZombies to be compatible with a variety of other mods very successfully and I believe this project is also in the list of things to do. This is something for ErrorNull to address.


While the ZombiezPack does contain 2 SWAT characters, it is these ones. These are not the SWAT Bots you are looking for. An ErrorNull intervention on this one.



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Oh my bad thanks for the explanation, now i can edit the enzombies until ErrorNull fixes.

15 hours ago, xyth said:


Well, the author insists that's not his character, and not in this mod, so perhaps its from the enzombie UMA mod

My mistake!


Great work as usual on teh mod folks, I can't even be bothered to play vanilla anymore!

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I have made a pack based on Darkstar's RaiderzPack and mr. devolver's RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly, which extends the original Raiderz to Friendly and hireable NPC, just like RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly does with the original RaiderGurlsPack


If this is not allowed please remove it, I am in no way trying to take any credit here, it's just a simple xml edit of three files:



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6 hours ago, ktrain said:

I have made a pack based on Darkstar's RaiderzPack and mr. devolver's RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly, which extends the original Raiderz to Friendly and hireable NPC, just like RaiderGurlzPack_Friendly does with the original RaiderGurlsPack


If this is not allowed please remove it, I am in no way trying to take any credit here, it's just a simple xml edit of three files:




This is what we hoped folks would do, expand the base packs and expansions with customizations.  Then folks can choose what to use to suit their playing style.  Thanks for adding this.

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2 hours ago, Dipspit said:

Where do i make NPCs hostile towards players?


Change the faction to a faction thats hostile to the player.  Typically change the NPC faction to bandits.   This edit is done in entityclasses.xml

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Yes.   Assuming you know how to edit xml.  


In the mods entityclasses.xml, about line 260 is the view distance: <property name="SightRange" value="60"/>   I dont recommend to turn this down much if at all, as I have no idea how it might effect the AI as we have tuned it.  Feel free to try it though.


I'd instead recommend editing the damage modifier values found in entityclasses.xml around line 400.  These properties decrease or increase the damage done by the NPCs if they are bandit npcs.  They add a percent damage modifer, negative values are decreased damage percentage, so -.3 reduces the bandits damage by 30%.  These are by biome or night, so if you want an easy forest biome, just edit that biome.


You can also modify the actual damage by weapon, in the items.xml file.


                <property name="DamageEntity" value="12"/> <!--  This is base damage per ray that hits) -->
                <property name="DamageBlock" value="3"/> 


That is the default SMG Ranged damage (action1 property) per bullet hit to entity's and blocks respectively.  You would need to edit each weapon that you want to adjust.



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15 hours ago, swmeek said:

Okay thanks for that info .

On another note your mechs come up as lootable but nothing happens when I click E. 

Wasn't sure if it was a bug or something not implemented .


Any one specifically or all?  I assume you mean after they are killed?  The mechs are hireable if you happen to get good relationship with the mech faction, which can happen in certain other mods that use these mechs, and that prompt is related to the mechs inventory.

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On 4/6/2022 at 5:52 PM, swmeek said:

Every mech I've killed and there have several types were all inaccessible when I clicked E.

How do you get good faction when every one so far has tried to kill me?


There are books in the dev items that were added to test faction relationship incrementing and change, but thay do not spawn in game.  The faction change system is configured in the NPCCore but only is implemented in mods that want to leverage it.  

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I'm having issues specifically with SCore. I've tried a set of mods and some modpacks with SCore as a requirement and I always get the "Unexpected Data received. Server is either running an incompatible version or requires the client to install mods" message. However, if I remove SCore from both the client and dedicated server "mods" folders, the game launched without the above message just fine. I've tried the stable version and the experimental, both having the same issue. I am running 7 Days to die version Alpha 20.3 (b3).

I've tried the War of the Walkers modpack, the Fallout modpack, (both require SCore) as well as a few mods with the Skyrim Lockpicking mod (which also requires SCore to work). Both times, I got the above message when trying to join the server. If I remove SCore, and the mods also needing it, from the client and server files, the game no longer gives me this message and works as expected; allowing me to connect.

I don't know if I have missed something or installed it incorrectly, but best I could see is I should simply place the SCore uncompressed folder into the "mods" folder inside both the client and server files, like how most other mods require. I'm kind of stumped and feel like I must be doing something wrong here. Thanks in advance for any help!

Edited by Zarvix
added the Fallout modpack mention (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Zarvix said:

I'm having issues specifically with SCore. I've tried a set of mods and some modpacks with SCore as a requirement and I always get the "Unexpected Data received. Server is either running an incompatible version or requires the client to install mods" message. However, if I remove SCore from both the client and dedicated server "mods" folders, the game launched without the above message just fine. I've tried the stable version and the experimental, both having the same issue. I am running 7 Days to die version Alpha 20.3 (b3).

I've tried the War of the Walkers modpack, the Fallout modpack, (both require SCore) as well as a few mods with the Skyrim Lockpicking mod (which also requires SCore to work). Both times, I got the above message when trying to join the server. If I remove SCore, and the mods also needing it, from the client and server files, the game no longer gives me this message and works as expected; allowing me to connect.

I don't know if I have missed something or installed it incorrectly, but best I could see is I should simply place the SCore uncompressed folder into the "mods" folder inside both the client and server files, like how most other mods require. I'm kind of stumped and feel like I must be doing something wrong here. Thanks in advance for any help!


Both client and server must have the same SCore mod and NPCCore mod loaded into the Mods folder.  Only load the SCore folder, not its master folder.  




Stable updated to .12   Fixed the AI packages for animals and mechs, fixed fox neck issue, and minor xml cleanup.  Should be save safe.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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