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NPCMod and Addons


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5 hours ago, Henshaw said:

Hello NPCmod team, and thank you all for your amazing work, very well done!


Is it possible to make the NPC:s do shots to the zombies' bodies instead of headshots all the time (in my limited observations over an hour)? At the moment they seem to be incredibly good at killing zombies, practically leaving the zombies no chance to fight back... I can make changes myself for my personal use, just need an idea of what to change.


Brilliant work guys, you should be very proud!


You can make the weapons less accurate, fire slower or/and do less damage by editing the items.xml for each weapon.  

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Thank you very much for the updating the mod to alpha 20! It was the reason why I came back to play 7 days to die now :)

So far they are working great,  (i use the soldiers pack + citizen pack with the core npc mods)


+good pathfinding

+good balanced aim/dmg

+fair health points and recovery,

+body block is prevented

+ guard option

+ the officer NPCs are having some speak features, even tho they use it a little bit too often, pretty loud and totally random 


What could be improved:

- npc shooting throught walls even tho they cant hit the zombie  (only got soliders as followers yet)

- too many common npc --> my town was full of bakers so i had to make a royal rumble to clear them up, i reduced the chance to spawn in the files now

- soldiers with pistols run a little jiggly



--> NPCs are speaking some basic sentences like: What can i do for you? / Yes? / Understood! / Careful!

--> NPCs enter the vehicle with you

--> Each NPC Type has special abilities like cooking food for you (baker), heal you (nurse), loot (soldiers)

--> NPCs can get a fixed area where they can move freely for some lifelike immersion 

--> xyth giving me back my german shephard dog


Keep up the great work guys!




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On 2/21/2022 at 1:25 PM, korpit said:

Hello friends, i've donwload and really enjoyed the mod though i didnt liked the Baker, Harley and nurses npcs and want just to have the npcs from the raiders and military pack, how can i disable the native npcs from NPCocre mod? (I was reading the code but didnt quite understand the coding of the mod if someone can help me i would apreciete a lot :D)


I will also echo this.  It would be handy to have the npc mod be the framework and all actual npcs be included in modlets (like raiders, etc.).  It would give greater control over which npcs you want to load into your game.

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2 hours ago, blunderblast said:


I will also echo this.  It would be handy to have the npc mod be the framework and all actual npcs be included in modlets (like raiders, etc.).  It would give greater control over which npcs you want to load into your game.



Maybe leave the code in place, but with no automatic spawning, and make it easily configurable?

Edited by ktrain
thoughts (see edit history)
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I think the suggestion is to not include the template characters in spawning groups by default.  I do like the framework comment, as that's part of its development first principles, but this mod also serves as a Dev. standard.   The characters are known quantities, built to as close as TFP standards.   But they dont have to spawn by default, so I can make that change for the next stable release.


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I haven't noticed this before, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's new, I just may not have run into Jayne(FriendlyRaider) / Pickpocket Samantha before...


She is forever stuck in a t-pose, although she seems to behave as expected otherwise. Other NPC's do not exhibit this behavior (so far).


Any idea for a fix?



Edited by ktrain
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4 hours ago, ktrain said:

I haven't noticed this before, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's new, I just may not have run into Jayne(FriendlyRaider) / Pickpocket Samantha before...


She is forever stuck in a t-pose, although she seems to behave as expected otherwise. Other NPC's do not exhibit this behavior (so far).


Any idea for a fix?




Likely needs to be fixed in Unity by the author, thanks for finding the bug.


Push a new experimental version, fixed Full Control not working as expected in some situations, general xml cleanup, added an optional entitygroups.xml file in the options folder to remove the core entities from spawning.



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My group of friends and I were having issues with network play.  I put together a mod pack for us to use which runs fine for all of us in single player.  But when trying to connect to another person's game, it hangs on "Creating Player".


I tracked down the issue to this mod.  Specifically, an issue in 0-XNPCCore.  In entityclasses.xml, if I comment out line 125:

<property name="Buffs" value="buffNPCModSlowStatusCheck"/>

the issue goes away.


This is on 7DtD version 20.3, and 0-XNPCCore version

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5 hours ago, ZageDark said:

My group of friends and I were having issues with network play.  I put together a mod pack for us to use which runs fine for all of us in single player.  But when trying to connect to another person's game, it hangs on "Creating Player".


I tracked down the issue to this mod.  Specifically, an issue in 0-XNPCCore.  In entityclasses.xml, if I comment out line 125:

<property name="Buffs" value="buffNPCModSlowStatusCheck"/>

the issue goes away.


This is on 7DtD version 20.3, and 0-XNPCCore version

Looks like it's already fixed in the latest EXP.

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Hi there - is it possible to turn off various aspects of this mod please?


for example:  we don't want to 'hire' any NPCs (we just want bandits etc) and can we define what type of weapons they use (we want to remove any automatic weapons).


thanks in advance,



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Is this mod compatible with the Darkness Falls mod? I see that DF contains the dependencies for the NPC mod already, and I know that mod has random survivors running around. But I’d like to add the hireable NPC’s and some bandits for flavour.

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1 hour ago, Blaiyze said:

Is this mod compatible with the Darkness Falls mod? I see that DF contains the dependencies for the NPC mod already, and I know that mod has random survivors running around. But I’d like to add the hireable NPC’s and some bandits for flavour.

Likely is is not compatible without editing.


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15 hours ago, Blaiyze said:

Is this mod compatible with the Darkness Falls mod? I see that DF contains the dependencies for the NPC mod already, and I know that mod has random survivors running around. But I’d like to add the hireable NPC’s and some bandits for flavour.

sounds like an interesting experiment, I will attempt it and report the results here

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14 hours ago, Namahagenader said:

Thanks for creating a very entertaining mod.
It would be great if the following features could be added
-Give equipment to NPCs to change equipment.
-Make it possible to specify the position when giving NPCs standby commands.
-Call all current members of the group to stand by or to gather at your position.


By the way, I can't give you a detailed report because I'm not sure how reproducible this is, but the two MODE icons on the left side of the screen are no longer visible and it is impossible to control NPCs with the buttons on the toolbar.(NPC mods are using the Stable Version: At that time, even if an NPC or player is attacked, the NPC were unresponsive.  However, if I fired one of the NPCs and hired them back immediately, the MODE icon would appear again and I could control the NPC.


There is a stay command (stay there) and a guard command ( stay here )   Not sure what else would be needed.


Weapon swaping is something we might consider in the future, but it is difficult to make that stable based on earlier attempts.


The control buttons go into toolbelt slots, so perhaps you are using a toolbelt mod that is causing issues.

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Is this mod compatible with the Darkness Falls mod? I see that DF contains the dependencies for the NPC mod already, and I know that mod has random survivors running around. But I’d like to add the hireable NPC’s and some bandits for flavour.


It was interesting, but mostly a failure unfortunately. Just too many things didn't want to play nice with each other and I gave up...

Edited by ktrain (see edit history)
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