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Drone Scares

John Black

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My first couple of hours with the drone...


--- Scare Score ---

Drone : 11

Zombies : 3


Man, need to be able to set follow distance/height and approach speed curve. It's getting better but I still get thrown by the drone regularly.


And please checkout and support https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26728-dedicated-drone-interaction-hotkey/ if you're for drone QOL improvements.


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The drone lifted me all the way up of an 1 block wide shaft in a gigantic POI while I was stuck in a basement pit swarmed by ferals. I jumped and it flew under my feet, causing me to stand on it and move up with it. Was like an elevator and I rised onto the roof. It's greatest purpose.

Edited by DominionZA (see edit history)
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