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Is zombie loot bags affected by modified loot stage?


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Hmm.. part of the discussion was "Can we even move the bags?"


I tried a ramp, it can be done. The bags can be nudged down a ramp or even a diagonal mining shaft. Piles of bags move pretty decently.

However, it's a proper pain, I did move a dozen bags down a ramp into a shaft for about 20 blocks.


If one is min/maxing to that degree, I'd bet the process will end up frustrating such a personality, wildly.

Let's just say I ended up shooting a bag. :)

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Vehicles help? Could you bulldoze bags over to the wasteland border with a 4x4? Could TFP add a Bulldozer Mod into the game for exactly this purpose? :D 


Edit to add: for all my "there is no cheese" ideology, this idea of moving loot into a more favorable biome fits into my very narrow definition of 'cheese': using information the survivor couldn't possibly know to improve survival chances. Doesn't mean that I won't try to stand on wasteland ground when looting bags, if I have a choice! I admit to the cheesiness though.


TFP could maybe remove the cheesability by setting biome and POI flags on the bags when they drop. So it becomes "where the zombie was standing" instead of "where the player is standing" which determines lootstage modifiers.

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8 minutes ago, theFlu said:

if you try the gyrocopter down one


Unless they have modeled downdraft or the wind from the rear prop, ain't no way that'll work. And what we need is to be able to roll bags like 50 or 100m horizontally. Is the idea of a mineshaft so that you can get gravity to help? I guess for PhD-level credit you need to figure out the minimum useful slope from which we can calculate the maximum horizontal distance you could move bags with gravity assist.


OOH! - could you use a short drop to push a bag into the back of a 4x4? Because that gives me rationalization for my cheesing the RNG mechanic.


"Well see I always prefer to open loot from the safety of my 'Loot Base' which happens to be over there in the Wasteland (in the ruins of Dishong Tower, which I find aesthetically pleasing) and so I always take them by 4x4 into the base first. There is NO OTHER REASON why I bring the bags into the Wasteland. No sir."

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35 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Unless they have modeled downdraft or the wind from the rear prop, ain't no way that'll work.

Ye, no, wasn't thinking about any air flow, just about trying to fly in a 1x2 tube downhill ... I assume it wouldn't go too great :)


Mineshaft would have about 3 benefits, 1) you get the ramp/gravity assist, I don't see** flat terrain being used for the transit,  2) you'll get to loot in relative safety underground and 3) you'll get an actual mine for the trouble.


** EDITed in, completely cut my thought out there it seems


The only real use case would be relatively low gamestage horde base near a wasteland, on a suitable hill with a little digging on each side. You'd need to get to make the base outside of spawn range from the wasteland and roll the baggies downhill for a total of something like 100m. That basically requires a mineshaft + hill. Plus a tower base on top.


Doable, but it'll be the theme of a playthrough for a rather temporary boost.


35 minutes ago, Boidster said:

I guess for PhD-level credit you need to figure out the minimum useful slope

I only tested the 45:s, but the lower ones might work just as well - it's not like the bags rolled on their own that much even on 45, so as long as the ramp determines the direction, anything might work. Would need to test.


35 minutes ago, Boidster said:

OOH! - could you use a short drop to push a bag into the back of a 4x4? Because that gives me rationalization for my cheesing the RNG mechanic.


That sounds interesting enough to give a quick test, a funnel below the horde with a hatch at the bottom.. I am pretty sure the bags will just bounce all over thou :)

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11 hours ago, Boidster said:

HAHAHA TFP has already thought of our schemes and foiled us! The bags just drop through the truck like it isn't there. CURSE YOU PIMPS! 

Darnit! Always a step ahead.. Not surprised; with my manual pushing test, the bag hitboxes seemed like a dot at the sharp end of a bag with another at the bottom.. and the vehicle hitboxes, well lets not even go there.


I could not assume it would work even if I tried. Sounded fun thou :)

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