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(Rant) This game has never been as anti-multiplayer as it is now.


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Well, this thread has gone south. Honestly, mods should go ahead and lock this thread now.
I only ever intended it to highlight the issues a20 brings and how we're hoping for more support of larger population multiplayer, that is all.
I hope the conversation continues in the other thread that RyanX made and madmole replied to, but regardless, nothing of great value will be accomplished if its just constant lashing out at each other and only serves to deface what we're asking for.

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On 12/24/2021 at 7:50 AM, meganoth said:


I'm quite sure they will release it and probably in the next 2 years. 



I do not know English and use a translator, I do not know how well it will translate such a large text and how well the thought will be conveyed correctly.
I started my acquaintance with this game with Alpha 3. To this day, I continue to pay attention to the game thanks to the best marketing move for this game - the release of a new alpha, as the release of a new game. What you mentioned is death for this game. Every new alpha, I have great pleasure going to a pvp server with a large online and every year I see how nothing changes and nothing happens, everything seems to get worse and worse for large servers. If this game goes out of alpha stage, this game will lose its only way to attract attention to itself and will forever lose the people who have played it for so many years. People love this game only because of this marketing move with the release of a new alpha - this is the only thing that keeps the audience in this game. 
But there is also the second thing that has become new to keep players in this game - these are large pvp / pve servers that have grown so much to the old chip of the new alpha that it now looks impossible if a new alpha is released and there are no large servers - it looks like a corpse.
A20 just came out and again inspired to return to the game and the problems with the big serers began so quickly that it became ridiculous to wait for the release of a21, and to say that there will be a full release of the game, don't make me laugh. If this happens, it means the end of the game.
This year I decided to conduct an experiment and found a group of 5 people who only play cooperative games for a small amount of time and brought them to the 7dtd. We started playing 6 people on a standard map. The beginning of the game was something cool for them and caused a lot of emotions, and at the end of the day they had nothing to do in the game and the next day they no longer wanted to play it, completely lost interest. Then I offered them to go to a large pvp server and you know what? it seems they could not tear themselves away from the game for about a month, when every day there was a competitive spirit against other players, completely changed their opinion about the game, until the server died from ddos attacks and cheaters.
The A20 brought drastic changes with cities and a new feature that allowed you to get a better FPS than before. To this day I am surprised by the new alpha.

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2 hours ago, zuggy81chllycheats said:

plz help grampa minion ive gone crazy like 1203498 times and took it out on him cause multplayer is such of mess and he lets all the cyber criminals play on his server


i really love grampa im sick of theese people taking advantage of him

To be fair, some of the tools that the larger servers use to get their increased player counts more stable are not exactly from trustworthy sources. One of which I am almost certain is the source of this attack.

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1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

To be fair, some of the tools that the larger servers use to get their increased player counts more stable are not exactly from trustworthy sources. One of which I am almost certain is the source of this attack.

Use Chinese software, get hacked.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

To be fair, some of the tools that the larger servers use to get their increased player counts more stable are not exactly from trustworthy sources. One of which I am almost certain is the source of this attack.

Nah, he's not using that one. But all this drama about EOS hack doesnt make sense either. The hack used likely is just the same that existed in A19 which manipulates entity id's after succesful EAC bypass. It's a @%$#show to figure it out how to narrow down the manipulation to the point where nothing is left to do for servers as unfortunately, a lot of valid reasons exist for clients to send e.g. damage packages without their own entity id as source.


Here's the example i posted like a year ago when trying to narrow it down and make a case for anticheat mods. Just watching zombies run into barbed wire caused my client to send damage packages to the server.


In terms of what's really new in A20 i'd maybe be more worried about harmony on the client. I haven't checked in detail but in general sounds promising to not have to inject into IL.





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