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Birds, bikes and bugs.


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I don't know if anyone can reproduce what bug I experienced with A20 but on horde night 35 my friend and I were riding out minibikes when a swarm of vultures were swooping and lifting our us while on our minibikes in the air. 


We got lifted higher and higher and thrown around like ragdolls. It was pretty bizarre, but when we respawned and ran back there was no day 7 horde to fight. 


This was a dedicated server on b218. 

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coincidence completely.  There is a running bug where while you are on vehicles you can hit an invisible wall and be knocked straight up into the air.

Vultures get a speed boost when they chase you on vehicles.  The birds didn't do it, but I bet it looked like they did. 


I experience this bug randomly all the time, and this goes back several alphas.

Edited by Ramethzer0 (see edit history)
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I might have experienced a similar bug involving the flying bicycle, except i wasn't riding it at the time.  I was at my base in the center of a crater and happened to be looking in the direction of the edge of the crater where my bicycle was parked, and saw it rising into the sky in the distance and suddenly it dropped to the ground.  fearing it might have also fallen into the ground (spontaneously buried bikes: another vehicle bug that i don't know if it still exists) i raced up out of the crater to examine my bike only to find it lying on the ground where i left it with little to no extra damage to its condition.

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The invisible wall happens as often as in A19 for me so far. At least i don´t have to exit the vehicle to make it go away anymore now. 


@ClassicRedEye Vehicles on hordenight are a really bad idea. Those vultures are no joke. If you are very good at driving and have a ton of luck you can outdrive them, but not on a minibike, needs the motorcycle. Still wouldn´t recommend it. It´s nearly impossible.

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