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Map Previewer for 7DTD, compatible A20 and mods


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@rallenb3 Just saw this, and noted it was posted 14 hrs ago. I too had the same issues with the crazy lfischier site. I did eventually get it, and am fairly happy with it. I have created a zip from my files for you, and have stuck it on my MS OneDrive, It is available here (for anyone else too that might need it). I'll leave it up for about a week.

Another nice mod you might like - in fact Brad shows it off  in one of his videos - is "Map Toolz" , by Zipcore.







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Somewhat of an oldish thread, but not having a preview in A21 - apart from copying the original, created with the game or with Teragon - I tried this one out again: it halted with a  ""### Vanilla prefab folder doesn't exists : C:/Users/pj/AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/Razodamu Mountains/V21_Raz_2/Data/Prefabs/ - Generation ended."  It wanted that folder in the game-world folder, so I copied them up to the Saves/Worldname/gamename, ending up with this path,  " C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Razodamu Mountains\V21_Raz_2\Data\Prefabs" - and - boom! - a new map, nicely colored, small x's for the POI's, hills/mountains, modestly-looking cities, and more importantly - good roads, water and marked traders. A bit of work (or not) will make this map tool quite usable.


Edit: The original link still worked for me, but just in case - I made a fresh one: -

Edited by paulj_3 (see edit history)
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So, I'm trying to use this to generate a preview of my world map and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Is it normal for it to just sit doing nothing (according to Task Manager) for 10+ minutes?


The status window shows:

7DTD-MapPreview 2.1
  World Folder: D:/Temp/7daysmap/World/
  Prefab Folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/Data/Prefabs/
--> Prefab List - Start
  Prefab count : 755
--> Prefab List - End
--> MapInfo - Start
  File : D:/Temp/7daysmap/World/map_info.xml
--> MapInfo - End
  Map size: 14336 X 14336
  Game Version: Alpha.21.0.324
  Seed Used: 
--> Biome - Start
  File : D:/Temp/7daysmap/World/biomes.png


The progress bar next to the "Generate Preview" button isn't moving at all. Task Manager shows no CPU use and the memory used is static.


Is is supposed to take a very long time to run?

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Hi Gimli: No. Your log suggests it's missing some file info. The most important is the "Generation.Seed", entered into KG on it's 1st page at the beginning, 3rd line down, under "Settings". You get that from the new world's map.info.xml file. You then need to specify your "Generated" existing map file names in KG's "Advanced customization" section: i.e. Custom Heightmap; Custom Biomes map;  Splat3 map, etc.. The other settings, like cities, towns, water, and biomes, etc, can mostly be left alone, as I think that the Seed governs all of those. (someone might correct me if that's not quite right!)
Anyway - ask again if you still have problems after playing with it some more. It does produce a very acceptable map - much nicer coloring, and identical in shape, roads, cities, etc, to the one created (at the end of the build) in a21.

Edited by paulj_3 (see edit history)
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I don't use KG, I'm using this map previewer to generate a preview of the map generated by 7 Days. The OP states it works with Vanilla 7 Days.


map.info.xml is available in the World folder along with all the other files generated by 7 Days. I tried adding the generated map name to the World path ('Lirata Mountains') and it still behaves the same way.


7DTD-MapPreview 2.1
  World Folder: D:/Temp/7daysmap/World/'Lirata Mountains'/
  Prefab Folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/Data/Prefabs/
--> Prefab List - Start
  Prefab count : 755
--> Prefab List - End
--> MapInfo - Start
  File : D:/Temp/7daysmap/World/'Lirata Mountains'/map_info.xml
--> MapInfo - End
  Map size: 14336 X 14336
  Game Version: Alpha.21.0.324
  Seed Used: 
--> Biome - Start
  File : D:/Temp/7daysmap/World/'Lirata Mountains'/biomes.png


Edited by Gimli (see edit history)
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@Gimli - Oh cheese! Sorry - yes - my old age is kicking in!   Duh!.  You are right. I "should" be talking about 7D2D MP's tool!

I have to do it again to refresh what I did.




I put a coupla pics up on the OneDrive, after I had edited the totally green biome, so that it had some desert.


Edited by paulj_3 (see edit history)
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On 7/12/2023 at 8:20 AM, Gimli said:

I ended up using https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/ instead, that worked with all the same files.


If you don't mind the question, how?  The previewer says to drag and drop the contents of the world file but uh... I don't actually see anywhere on the page to do that! There's the browse function but that only allowed me to select one file, not the contents of a folder. 


Yes, I was looking using Chrome.

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I deleted my reply on the github map tool, Fram; I apologise - I found it too kludgy, just not working the way I expected each time, and the directions were just too confusing: . 7DTD MPMG is good enough, and works first time, every time on my pc.


Edited by paulj_3 (see edit history)
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On 7/14/2023 at 7:16 AM, FramFramson said:


If you don't mind the question, how?  The previewer says to drag and drop the contents of the world file but uh... I don't actually see anywhere on the page to do that! There's the browse function but that only allowed me to select one file, not the contents of a folder. 


Yes, I was looking using Chrome.


Maybe this Video helps (at 6:40 he starts showing how to drag and drop):


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I'll be darned!  Tumble - you are a GENIUS!      "Maybe this Video helps . . ."  Ya THINK???    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

At approx 8.33 the video shows what I saw after dropping the files in and creating the map. I had no idea that the rest of that stuff - specifically the Prefabs Filter - would get rid of that mass of stupid "X" 's. NOW they make sense! The guy that wrote this tool maybe smart, but he should really take some lessons from you - in creating technical instructions.

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