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(A20) Ana's Vehicle Respawning


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A20 Vehicle respawning.





Respawns vehicles in the game.  Down grades vehicles to one of the wheels with rim laying on ground so that you can tell it is not a normal tire to chop. I also used metal material so that it takes a few more hits to destroy it. Destroying will stop the vehicle respawning for anyone wanting to build where the vehicles are or clear the road.




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  • 7 months later...

Is there an A20 Undead Legacy compatible version of this? I renamed the mod to correct load order but the only vehicles it drops the respawners for are the busses, service vehicles, and military trucks (excluding repairable versions). If there is not a UL compatible version. does anyone know where to find the vehicle ID list in subquakes mod so I can edit this modlet to work at it's fullest potential? Thanks for any feedback as resources like vehicles to break down run low on small maps.


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I have not seen an UL version, and on a server that had already stripped pretty much everything from populated areas, I just had to keep questing for respawns.


Check the Mods > UndeadLegacy > blocks.xml file.

That appears to be where the bulk, if not all of the UL vehicles are added.


Things which are listed as ulmVehicle appear to govern what will appear. For respawning, this mod carefully considers the correct end stage of the wrenching process just before total destruction. Good luck with that. The TOU for UL is very generous and if you ultimately come up with something beneficial it looks like something to share in the UL thread/discord.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Make sure in your folder it is


and not


sometimes for some reason when you unzip files it adds that extra folder at beginning



Mine looks like this...



Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, arramus said:

Anabella has been like clockwork keeping Ana's Vehicle Respawning functional and it does exactly what is offers. A superb and stable quality of life mod.


On 12/20/2021 at 10:10 PM, Sparkles said:

is there a way to increase the health of the dropped wheel to avoid people from destroying it in one

I'm also wondering this, I don't quite see it in the files and set to the current HP people will just break them I imagine thinking they can be farmed....quite easy to break down 

<append xpath="/blocks">    
        <block name="carRespawner">
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="decoCarWheelFlat" />
            <property name="CustomIconTint" value="ff0000"/>
            <property name="Extends" value="decoEntityPolymerMaster"/>            
            <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true" />
            <property name="Class" value="PlantGrowing" />
            <property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>            
            <property name="StabilitySupport" value="false"/>
            <property name="Texture" value="282"/>
            <property name="Model" value="#Entities/Vehicles?Car/car_wheelPrefab.prefab"/>        
            <property name="Collide" value="melee"/>
            <property name="CanMobsSpawnOn" value="false" />
            <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="3,7" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>    
            <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />
            <property name="PlantGrowing.Next" value="carsRandomHelper" />
            <property name="PlantGrowing.GrowthRate" value="300" /><!-- amount of days for respawn 60 equals 1 day (Assumes default day length. This is really in real minutes.) -->
            <property name="PlantGrowing.FertileLevel" value="0" />
            <property name="PlantGrowing.IsRandom" value="false" />

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I may try changing the values later in a test game to see what happens.


Maybe something like this



<property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>



<property name="Material" value="Mbedrock"/>




in each block.


I have no idea what will happen lol, am hoping it changes the hardness from metal to bedrock so it can't be destroyed


Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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In the A19 version, this was a lower damage value than the current value and could be destroyed by wild shots in busy areas.
The A20 update resolves that very well.


However, for recalcitrant players intent on destroying the wheel placeholders, it was also useful to add a <property name="MaxDamage" value="#####"/> to each entry. The Geek Gaming community used 10000 and this is also the damage amount TFP has added for the Quest generators.

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Just now, arramus said:

In the A19 version, this was a lower damage value than the current value and could be destroyed by wild shots in busy areas.
The A20 update resolves that very well.


However, for recalcitrant players intent on destroying the wheel placeholders, it was also useful to add a <property name="MaxDamage" value="#####"/> to each entry. The Geek Gaming community used 10000 and this is also the damage amount TFP has added for the Quest generators.


I was also thinking of trying that but didn't know quite how to phrase it.

I tried what I had mentioned above and it did seem to work, but I have only tested it in a game for a few minutes and not sure how it would work out in the long run

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1 minute ago, Gamida said:


I was also thinking of trying that but didn't know quite how to phrase it.

I tried what I had mentioned above and it did seem to work, but I have only tested it in a game for a few minutes and not sure how it would work out in the long run

Some Admin use bedrock at the bottom of zombie drop pits on dedicated servers and it seems to be just fine, apart from the impact sound. It's useful to have a range of alternatives at hand.

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