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A20 Locks up


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Played really good for about two hours no problems whatsoever. Really haven't left the main area I'm at. Now it's starting to freeze up hesitate really really bad. Locks up for about a minute or so and then it releases. Couple times it just totally locked up and wouldn't do anything. The first few hours I thought it ran smoother than 19. Tried setting the graphics to low as possible still the same problem. Funny thing is I was on high graphics and I had no problems for a couple hours I don't know what happened. I'm going to stop playing for today and I will try tomorrow and see what happens. The game is absolutely gorgeous. No mods I don't use mods. Before downloading a couple days ahead of time I've uninstalled the whole game deleted everything and reinstalled fresh. Maybe it'll fix itself when they do an update.

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Also played for a few hours, clean game, clean install, haven't had any issues yet. Do you have any hardware issues? Overheating maybe? Maybe something started running in the background (my AV sometimes gets stupid and just runs some crap)?

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Whenever something locks up for a while like that, my first thought is there's a big blocking I/O to something - I.e. process doesn't continue until the read or write is finished. Since memory and GPU are fast to write to, that usually means the hard drive, but no reason for it to do so unless you're changing biome, loading a large POI etc - unless of course you're out of RAM. In that case, your PC is constantly looking for something in memory it can write out to the hard drive, and then load something from the hard drive into memory, and that takes time. 


How much RAM do you have? It seems like a lot of people are having performance issues with low RAM since A20. Also, what kind of hard drive are you using? Spinning? SATA SSD? NVME SSD?  Something else? 

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2 hours ago, Star69 said:

Also, after generating a new map, some have noticed that the ram isn’t being released. You might try a reboot and see if that helps.

Thanks, I did purchase more ram hopefully it'll be here in a few days, but it ran perfectly fine for several hours. Rebooted quite a few times actually. The ram that I bought will be here in a couple days and I'll see if that fixes it. But I've noticed people with mega ram and there's having this problem.

10 hours ago, Pernicious said:

Whenever something locks up for a while like that, my first thought is there's a big blocking I/O to something - I.e. process doesn't continue until the read or write is finished. Since memory and GPU are fast to write to, that usually means the hard drive, but no reason for it to do so unless you're changing biome, loading a large POI etc - unless of course you're out of RAM. In that case, your PC is constantly looking for something in memory it can write out to the hard drive, and then load something from the hard drive into memory, and that takes time. 


How much RAM do you have? It seems like a lot of people are having performance issues with low RAM since A20. Also, what kind of hard drive are you using? Spinning? SATA SSD? NVME SSD?  Something else? 

Thanks for your reply. My hard drive is about five years old. I think I'll try defragging it it's not even half full. I did buy more ram, but others were having problems the same type and they had mega ram. It's just strange that it ran for several hours completely fine. Way better than it did in 19. I did generate my own map and I made it with a lot of POIs. I also added a lot of towns. But I use the smallest map possible. I lowered everything else the mountains. Try a few more things my way and see what happens. If push comes to shove or shove comes to push I'll just put it on the back burner and play other games until they are done?

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11 hours ago, eXSe said:

Also played for a few hours, clean game, clean install, haven't had any issues yet. Do you have any hardware issues? Overheating maybe? Maybe something started running in the background (my AV sometimes gets stupid and just runs some crap)?

Thanks for your reply. My computer does not get hot I have extra fans blowing directly on it. I checked my temperature once in awhile just to see what it looks like and it has never overheated. Yes there is always something running in the background like my virus software and I'm sure there's other little stuff that runs that I have no awareness that it is running. I do shut down my updates because that will screw up playing a game sure as poop. Couple weeks ago, I updated all my drivers on my computer for everything. Like I stated up top I uninstalled everything deleted anything that had to do with seven days to die.

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6 hours ago, Andy said:

Thanks for your reply. My hard drive is about five years old. I think I'll try defragging it it's not even half full. I did buy more ram, but others were having problems the same type and they had mega ram. It's just strange that it ran for several hours completely fine. Way better than it did in 19.

I've not played for more than about 90 minutes at a time (Just a bit busy - wish I could get a more solid block) But if it's starting fast, and slows down over a period of a couple hours, it's most likely a memory leak, which is a bug you can't do much about, except quit, reboot and go back in every time it starts feeling a bit slow. 


To see if it's even a memory related problem, while the game is going fine, press control-shift-escape, and make sure that the number in red, is still smaller than the number in green:


(this is taken from my machine - I have 32Gb physically installed, and I'm using 16.0Gb. 


Repeat when it's slow. If the number in use is bigger than the available RAM, and it's crept up since the game was fast, memory leak is almost certainly the problem. You can Having more memory will delay the problem, having a very fast hard drive will also hide it somewhat.


By the fact you said you will try defragging it, I'm guessing you have a spinning drive - By the way defragging it will have no effect. The Page File is usually created unfragmented, and is protected from fragmentation and can't be defragmented. Sorry, a bit too much detail to go into here. 

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