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Mining/shooting Problem


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Yo everyone!


I've been running 7 days to die dedicated servers for a while for me and my brother. So far I thought my old computer wasnt good enough to run the dedicated server, but after a minor upgrade the issue was still the same. After a decent amount of mining, lets say 30 minuts and then you go to shoot some zombies, the laggin hell will explode! When you're shooting - after the mining part, it feels like 2 fps... Everything else is fine, you can even go back to mining or do anything else, except shooting or be near turrets shooting... WHY? I dont know if this issue have been posted at all but I hope someone knows what to do?


So far I've read it is Windows making the problem, how that connects I've no idea... and that you should be running linux for your dedicated servers. I've tried to install linux or Ubuntu, to setup my dedicated server here, but havent managed to start a server or make it work. So I beg you, if anyone knows about this problem or have any idea why it may occur, I would be happy to know. If you need any information about my systems or anything, I'll be happy to reply. I would love to run my dedicated server through steam tools on windows if possible or as a last resort, installing linux with help from any of you? 

Best regards


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2 hours ago, Tobs said:

Is there any way I can attach the Log file to here? Seems like I can only upload pictures ?

Yes. It was in the instructions. I fixed your post for you so it didn't take up 20 pages of forum.


2 hours ago, Tobs said:

I've edited the log file, replaced all steamID's and IP's with X

Not private information, and is not helpful to do so.

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The only real issue I see is that the server was up for roughly 20 hours. Which is about double what you should have it up for running an overhaul mod on Windows.


If we knew the time stamps for when you encountered the issue, that might make it a little easier. Most of the server FPS values I scanned were just fine.

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Ah ty :)


Well, I actually cant remember when we encountered the issue 😕 I chose sunday cause I knew we've been mining there and was on for quite a while. So its more optimal to restart the server every 10 hours or? Yea, that was my conclusion too, couldnt find anything in the FPS 😕 Are there any fixes for the mining in 7d2d, something that might ease the process for the hardware or smth? Im just guessing 

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well we never do that, we make sure now to mine so everything falls down. I've been mining today, where it seemed like its more specific when you mine underground like not making a big crater but dig down and then dig sideways to find an ore and then start mining out, when I came to the surface, there ofc were zombies and it lagged like hell when shooting. When i stop shooting its fine even with a big pack of zombies chasing me. Its very weird 😕

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set the player block damage back to default. restart and then mine for a spell... 250 seems too high so you basically have player mutilated blocks (which includes busting ores and such) multiplied by however many players mining at same time.


wont hurt to try eliminating possible suspects (includes some mods for verification).

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7 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

set the player block damage back to default. restart and then mine for a spell... 250 seems too high so you basically have player mutilated blocks (which includes busting ores and such) multiplied by however many players mining at same time.


wont hurt to try eliminating possible suspects (includes some mods for verification).

Hmmm, never considered that, since me and my brother in general set the block damager higher, will defenetly try that, thx :)

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19 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

set the player block damage back to default. restart and then mine for a spell... 250 seems too high so you basically have player mutilated blocks (which includes busting ores and such) multiplied by however many players mining at same time.


wont hurt to try eliminating possible suspects (includes some mods for verification).

Well, i've been testing this today and unfortunally it didnt help. After 1-2 hours of mining it still lags when shooting. I set the player block damage to 100% and restarted the server computer and server. :( 

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as per Sylen's post above https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25230-miningshooting-problem/?do=findComment&comment=442518 there is a link to a page that gives great detail into what files/logs are needed and where to post them so you can post a link here and if (IF) the file is too big... save it in smaller volumes and upload them.

so help the guys here and provide some more info... too much guessing atm.

QA Tester-unholyjoe


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  • 10 months later...

major laggin ingame strob sometime the game unplayable this needs sorting out another game had this issue the corrected it by getting upto date servers this corrected the issue they have no more laggin ingame sometime your game is unplayable 

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Run a test again and note the time that the lag begins. Post your log from the server and state when the lag started. To post logs, copy the log and go to pastebin.com and paste it there. Post the url generated at pastebin. Exact instructions for using pastebin are in the pinned topics above. Also post the specs of your pc. The server specs are in the server log so no need to post those.

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