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Problem with the camera when taking damage from a zombie.


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I have a problem for a long time that in alpha 18 did not happen. When a zombie hits you and then I shoot with any weapon the camera automatically points to either side. This happens by increasing the "DamageEntity". I report it because this did not happen in previous alphas. Where can I find this effect ?, I looked for buff.xml and I found "camerashake" but when modifying it does nothing.


Example: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5h23ey8nyo5iknb/Camera_bug.wmv

Edited by Sarakatunga (see edit history)
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This seems to be a question about modding. You might get more help if you post this in the Mods/Discussion and Requests section.


And who's DamageEntity did you increase? Of the gun or the zombie hand? Maybe post the actual xml.


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I tried vanilla modifying meleeHandZombie01 and increasing the damageentity to discard all the mods I have. But I realized that my mods are not. With the topic of the post I do not know if it should go in mods, because I suspect that it is an error of the .exe related to the camera, I do not know, since in alpha 18 it did not happen. It is not something serious as well, but perhaps for those who have mod zombies this would be a bit annoying. My people never complained about this after almost 1 year, yesterday a player said about this problem, but I did not give it importance because I already knew it and did not feel like reporting it. also I do not know if it has support since it is a modification.
But hey I want to get rid of my doubts.

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It's when I take a hit from a zombie first and then I shoot with any firearm, it happens. If you are right, you can see that when the zombie has more damage, the camera shakes even more. But hey, that error occurs. Someday they finish the "zombieBehemoth". This problem will happen, it has a "DamageEntity" value = "500"

Edited by Sarakatunga (see edit history)
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I tried with a pistol and various zombies up to demo in vanilla but did not see any unusual movement when shooting except the usual rising because of recoil


Did you change anything else beside that damage value or do you have other mods installed?


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I can confirm. If you get hit by a zombie the next aimed shot afterwards greatly jerks the weapon even if seconds later. I think you have to aim to generate the effect, but didn't test that in detail.  This is likely a bug (or a balance issue if it was added to simulate the effect of being slightly stunned when getting hit).


Best way to find out more (and correct the problem) is to make a bug report now. See link in green on top of the page. Your last video is excellent to show the issue, include it in the bug report and maybe also add a link to this thread.


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10 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Ah I heard vanilla at the end which I  presumed meant no modifications 

Technically the problem should exist in vanilla too but is too subtle to be noticed, especially because guns jump slightly anyway when fired. Who could really see the difference if they jump 50% more after getting hit by a powerful zombie? The strongest zombie hand in vanilla does 40 damage, the hand used here does 100 and the effect may be exponential.





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