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Looking for a huge TNT/bomb/nuke mod and "harmless zombies" mod

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As the title says, I'm looking for something that blows up very nicely. Even though it's fun at times to be strategic with dynamite, it just doesn't have enough bang to tear a whole building down in one go without using like 20+ sticks of it all around. I've just got myself a tank mod but the tank doesn't actually shoot so that doesn't help.


As for harmless zombies, I'm looking for someone who can disable their AI in the sense of attacking, in other words, make them not attack me unless I attack them, or perhaps not at all if it's too hard to do. Vanilla zombies are too hard and annoying for me and a game without zombies means a game without XP (excluding pointless fetch quests) so I just want to convert my 7D2D into an MMORPG with monsters to farm for exp.

Edited by MaxTunnerX (see edit history)
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I have sever “more damaging weapons” mods here: doughs modlets but specifically what you might be looking for is something like this (which is on that page): Khelldon-HolyHandGrenade


there are some other weapons that have damage like that grenade, I think on Nexusmods I saw one that used the grenade launcher. 

for what it’s worth, from my experiences, any explosion basically only destroys “the blocks that it can touch” so you don’t usually get nice deep round holes in the ground. Sometimes it may go 2 blocks deep. This means to get the most bang for your buck, when aiming at pois, try to aim through a window so it goes off inside. Otherwise the first shot just takes the outside wall down. 

another option maybe to lower the block health or stability.  I recently released a “nerf block stability” mod (on my same mod page above) and what happens (it seems) is that most buildings, when finally compromised, either “hollow out” or half the building falls.  This might make a more destructive weapon feel more powerful as it will take down more things easily, without having to crank up the weapon damage/radius which can be dangerous for your character.  Additionally, a large radius can generally a lot of lag and it seems a falling POi generates less lag for some reason.  And a smaller radius is less dangerous to you. Anyway, be warned the HolyHandGrenade has a large radius, but can be made larger if you wanted to change the mod as I actually turned the radius down from the original due to complaints from people about the lag.

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Oh man you're a genius. Lowering block HP or stability seems pretty brilliant, especially for my singleplayer server without zombie spawn and with zombie 1 block damage. Never thought about it this way. In any case, I will try the holy hand grenade and see what's what. King Arthur will be proud :D

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So I've tried it and it's pretty amazing. Only problem is that throwing is a bad way of delivering this mass destruction device like you mentioned and that it doesn't stack (it only goes 1 per slot, dynamite goes 10 and that is also a low number). Also it seems the holy hand grenade does more damage around the thing rather than to that thing. However, combining dynamite (around the building) and holy hand grenade (throw in the center to trigger and add damage), I get the result I wanted (building goes poof :D).


Is there any chance you might make a C4 out of this and/or rocket launcher ammo?

Edited by MaxTunnerX (see edit history)
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21 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Is there any chance you might make a C4 out of this and/or rocket launcher ammo?

I’m glad you asked. :)

ive actually made them as well as buffing the exploding arrows (all unpublished and old game versions)..  I have done grenades and pipe bombs (on my mods page) and I usually tier them so they have some below “vanilla item” (easy to make early game) and some above “vanilla item” (later game).


I might see if I can resurrect them. It’s really satisfying to shoot the exploding arrows and have them powerful enough to break glass Windows and window coverings around it. I had some “Diablo” rockets that I had that were dangerous to shoot as they didn’t travel far (they were “heavy”) and they were like the grenade, but more meant to destroy POis/bases if you weren’t careful with them. But I had people complain about my “heavy” pipe bombs as they tended to get you killed because throwing them was harder :) I did that on purpose as I wanted using them to be very calculated

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I think you're thinking about the most irrelevant part of it all. The problem with your inventions isn't the strength or weight, the problem is they are not remotely detonated or with a long timer. I think I and other people will love you for whatever you create as long as we get to detonate it from safe distance or have enough time to comfortably get to safe range. I think buffing the vanilla dynamite a lot and making the timer longer is a good start.

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I think there may have been a modder who had a “remote detonator” mod for something. It may have been back in a17 or a18.  I’ll see if I can find it, or, if anyone here remembers it please post a link. Odds are it was a DMT mod so if it it that’s beyond what I can do as I have not messed with DMT code

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1 hour ago, Gamida said:

Shouldn't you be able to mod the radius damage and the fuse time?

Yes, but I was thinking of “if you can trigger it remotely, then you don't have to mess with “what is a safe range” and make timers as what is “time to be safely away” probably differs a lot from person to person. To me remote detonations are a little less exciting than having to run in fear of something you lit  and threw :), but would be cool for safes, or maybe PvP?

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Of coruse remote detonation is the best, but as for the fuse time, it's quite easy to calcuclate. Just get a level 0 character without armor without encumberance and count how many seconds you need to get outside the blast radius by sprinting. Then you can add a few more seconds so slower people get a chance if they're lucky and you're done.

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16 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

Yes, but I was thinking of “if you can trigger it remotely, then you don't have to mess with “what is a safe range” and make timers as what is “time to be safely away” probably differs a lot from person to person. To me remote detonations are a little less exciting than having to run in fear of something you lit  and threw :), but would be cool for safes, or maybe PvP?

Agreed. I would enjoy placing some C4 on a gun safe and then having to leave the room to remote detonate it.

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