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Land protection


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A device that will enhance claim blocks to protect the land (dirt etc) within it. Can be toggled on/off and probably best to require power.


Whilst active no one, including the owner can place nor destroy land blocks. I'm unsure if the game differentiates from natural land blocks to placed ones, if it does then having it not protect player based land blocks removes the issue of players blocking their underground bases before turning it on and logging out to become unraidable. If it doesn't then either turning it like a farm plot where it requires light or making them have to be placed above ground to solve the issue (unless you guys can think of anything?).


On PvP servers, the biggest issue is the use of the underground exploit to see everything and then just digging around. It's the one exploit I wish they'd actually fix asap instead of just leaving it as it kills any desire to play on such servers. If servers didn't want such a feature then they should be able to disable it, but having this as an option would be good and should be relatively simple to implement.


Thoughts? Suggestions for improvement and so fourth?


Thanks for reading!

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1 hour ago, Irushian said:

A device that will enhance claim blocks to protect the land (dirt etc) within it. Can be toggled on/off and probably best to require power.


Whilst active no one, including the owner can place nor destroy land blocks. I'm unsure if the game differentiates from natural land blocks to placed ones, if it does then having it not protect player based land blocks removes the issue of players blocking their underground bases before turning it on and logging out to become unraidable. If it doesn't then either turning it like a farm plot where it requires light or making them have to be placed above ground to solve the issue (unless you guys can think of anything?).


On PvP servers, the biggest issue is the use of the underground exploit to see everything and then just digging around. It's the one exploit I wish they'd actually fix asap instead of just leaving it as it kills any desire to play on such servers. If servers didn't want such a feature then they should be able to disable it, but having this as an option would be good and should be relatively simple to implement.


Thoughts? Suggestions for improvement and so fourth?


Thanks for reading!

Well it exist?

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I have no idea how to fix such exploit and this may have to do something additionally with client/server lag. Idk if some sort of super texture (just blank black texture) rendered on the water mirror level would fix the issue (blind guessing). No idea how this could be solved and usually server laggers benefit from parts of the map that has not rendered properly.

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The exploit is really easy to pull off, you can crouch underground in a 1 hole space so your head pops through the ground and that gives you basically admin vision underground, other ways include using a hatch to lift your character up so their head goes through etc. This also works for things like turrets, which lets them fire through the ground and hit anything within range, so they can kill players without players even knowing from where etc.


You can even take it a step further and use a door to clip your entire player through the ground and that gives you the same advantage. You can basically kill players nearby that are on top of or underground and is a really terrible exploit that I've seen on just about every single server that I've attempted to play on and sadly, it has nothing to do with client/server lag and is just a flaw with how they have it implemented.


But still, when it comes to raiding, being able to just tunnel around or beneath defenses and collapse whatever you want hurts raiding (IMO). That's where this idea is born from as I've seen this sort of idea implemented in other games and it worked really well.

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