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Game freezing/crashing when opening loot window.


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I'm writing this on behalf of my good friend who isn't tech savvy. 

We run a private server (from a server provider) with a couple of mods (Compo pack and three others) and sometimes when she opens a loot window, her game will freeze for a couple of seconds or crash. 


I'm not the most tech savvy person, but I suspect it's a memory issue. Her PC has 8GB of memory, which is the minimum requirements. The game runs smoothly most of the time. We have monitored her memory percentage through the task manager, and it steadily increases over time getting very close to hitting the maximum.


Is this a known issue and does anyone happen to have any ideas? Much appreciated.

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Hi @Cziko. You should probably read this thread and try to get her log file uploaded into Pastebin. Full PC specifications might be useful too, as well as the server configuration settings (posting the server log to Pastebin would be excellent).


How big is the map? Have you tried a game with no mods, to see if the problem occurs? That's usually a good first step.

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Future optimizations may help with this, but I'm suspecting a memory issue myself. Sounds like it's crashing when she's loading the loot and hitting an asset cleanup. A log will tell more or confirm that, but she can try reducing texture size and resolution. Also compo pack uses a decent chunk of memory (lots of high-detailed POI's tightly packed usually), so try a new map with less POI's and mods. That should help.

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