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High RAM usage


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Hi guys,

I've been having some technical problems recently I'm hoping can be fixed. Recently when loading in some maps the game has literally eaten up all my memory, 16gb DDR3. (I know, old but still normally does the job) when I load the game in FPS drops really low and performance is horrendous, to the point where after a minute or so I've run out of memory and it crashes. I know it's a memory issue as I've been checking the task manager. 

I junked a previous map as I thought it was a buggy POI from the compopack. The map in question was all burnt biome. The map I'm on now was generated in Nitrogen and is all wasteland with vanilla POI's.  On other maps the game normally runs fine, hence my confusion.

I do have some mods installed, but I seriously doubt they are the problem, however they are:








Valmars Ammo Dismantling

Valmars Animal Snares

Valmars Reuseable Cooking Bowls


My PC specs are i5 4670k @ stock, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 980ti

The game is installed on an SSD and my OS is Windows 10. 


I play only SP, not running as a dedicated server.

This should be a link to the output log if that helps, click here


Any help would be really appreciated and sorry for the long winded post.


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3 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Your log shows a GPU driver issue.  Might want to start with performing a clean install of current drivers from Nvidia.

Increased RAM usage is likely a side effect of the client not being able to utilize your GPU properly.

Thanks for the suggestion, I've removed them completely and reinstalled this morning as new and I'm still having the same issue.

My base is at bedrock which I had no trouble carving out the last couple of nights, but logging in now I'm having the huge frame drops.

It's not crashed since logging back in and I've tried reducing all gfx settings to low, which boosts the frames, but it's still freezing. It does get better when I move to the surface, so I'm wondering if there is some issue with bedrock bases? That said the previous map I was in a random poi and when I logged in the performance tanked and crashed.

I've run some unigine benchmarks and they are fine.

Other games also seem fine, as do other maps on 7 days.

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3 minutes ago, Hockallz said:

My base is at bedrock

This is going to be an issue. Exposing large sections bedrock has been known to cause SI issues for several years now. If you have a large build there, that will exaggerate the issue even more.


What is most likely happening based on the information provided is that your system is getting bogged down with erroneous SI calculations as a result of your build.

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2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

This is going to be an issue. Exposing large sections bedrock has been known to cause SI issues for several years now. If you have a large build there, that will exaggerate the issue even more.


What is most likely happening based on the information provided is that your system is getting bogged down with erroneous SI calculations as a result of your build.

Thank you for this. That does make a lot of sense. I am confused as to why it was fine for 2 or 3 days and only now starts acting up. I guess I'll have to try moving!

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I've had some luck with this following a bit more playing around, I removed all the mods and memory usage went to about 10gb max at the same location and performance was smooth again. Unfortunately I now have null references locking up the game when I open the forge or fire. But it's progress of sort!

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On 2/5/2021 at 9:41 AM, Hockallz said:

I now have null references locking up the game when I open the forge or fire

You could add back the mods that affected the forge and campfire, then empty and remove them. Remove the mods and replace the workstations.

Pain in the butt, but it might help. Might be easier to just destroy them and replace from the creative menu.

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