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Two screamer versions wish


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So I came up with the idea of a new version of screamers. The Blind Screamer :D

I want to have two versions of them. The one we already know and another one. Imagine it like having no jaw and missing eyes. just black holes there so she obviously can't see you but hear you pretty well. as soon as she's hearing noises you or zombies are making she starts screaming. That could let her spawn more of her kind that also starts screaming and you easily get a ton of zombies. that would be a perfect late game screamer version. The normal screamer spawns only at daytime and the blind screamer only at night. and she sould have a darker skin tone so she would be hard to see. They could start spawn at like Gamestage 100 or so.

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Thats why I want another version which just starts screaming as soon as it hears any sound and it summons more zombies then the regular one. The scream should be different. Louder and creepy. Also it should have a 50% chance of spawn another Blind screamer which also instantly starts screaming cause of all the noises going on. That would pretty fast end into a giant horde when not taken care of. They should scream every 5 seconds and spawn like 10-15 zombies per scream.

Could someone move this into Pimp dreams cause I wasn't able to create it there. The button was missing :(

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On 11/1/2020 at 10:26 PM, alanea said:

kinda pointless considering how hard they nerfed screamers ... they barely summon anything in a19

I really have bad luck then. I see people saying this a lot. And yet we get screamers over and over (1 forge and 2 torches running in our 2nd night on our latest game) and they call new screamers and before you know, there is a pretty big horde. Especially when mining with the steel pick axe or the auger it´s annoying af, every few minutes and 80% of the time they call in more screamers. No mods besides a nitrogen map. But it´s the same on pregen or navezgane.

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18 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

I really have bad luck then. I see people saying this a lot. And yet we get screamers over and over (1 forge and 2 torches running in our 2nd night on our latest game) and they call new screamers and before you know, there is a pretty big horde. Especially when mining with the steel pick axe or the auger it´s annoying af, every few minutes and 80% of the time they call in more screamers. No mods besides a nitrogen map. But it´s the same on pregen or navezgane.


hmm screamer calling in screamer isnt   all that common  

2 forges are safe to run  24/7


with added pickaxe i see sometimes one per night  ... but auger its awfull  fueled screamer magnet

best bet is to keep mine entrance in base  so its 100% screamer proof  with some electric  fences at valid entrance to base

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43 minutes ago, alanea said:


hmm screamer calling in screamer isnt   all that common  

2 forges are safe to run  24/7


with added pickaxe i see sometimes one per night  ... but auger its awfull  fueled screamer magnet

best bet is to keep mine entrance in base  so its 100% screamer proof  with some electric  fences at valid entrance to base

We can´t live from one single mine, not gonna tunnel under our base to every mine we need, structural integrity and so on. We just do it in pairs, one is augering away while the other is above dealing with screamer hordes if we need a lot. otherwise we just use a pickaxe

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