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A very small complaint that I'm wondering if could be fixed.


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So one of the small pleasures I get from the game is breaking doors to get the brass door knob from them.  I remember playing back in the day when this wasn't possible and thinking that it only made sense that we could.  Now that we can I love doing it and will never miss a door when clearing out a POI.  One problem I'm running in to is when I don't reduce a door of all it's reinforcements before destroying it I am not rewarded with that precious and shiny brass doorknob.  I have max ranks in Miner 69er and am using a quality 6 Steel Axe with a Fireman's Head modded on it so it is really easy to take a door down multiple levels with one hit.  I've taken to having to use my pick or to craft a stone axe to break it down a few levels first but would love it if it was changed to give you a doorknob no matter the stage it was broken.  I'm not sure if there is a reason why this can't be done, I'm the farthest thing from a coder so not sure of the logistics of what I'm asking but would love to hear your opinions on this small change.  

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Post it as a bug and see what happens.


Your expected result for breaking down a door is to get a door knob. List the reproducible steps for NOT getting a doorknob. The QA team will take it from there.


These sort of small things are exactly the kind they like to fix and post in the changelog when people are looking and hoping to find that zombie and player reaches have been normalized... ;)

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Actually this is a known issue already (i.e. it's a ticket) :). In the meantime, I like to bring an iron fireaxe that does the right amount of damage or to being a high level stone axe that'll dispatch doors quickly. If it's not on the KI list I'll add it.


And Roland is right, definitely let us know about this kind of stuff, although small.

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