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19 hours ago, n2n1 said:

... Snipped...

The mod significantly changes the gameplay, so, creating a list of features or differences - can be a fundamentally wrong thing.

Basically, the essence of the mod will be clear to those people who played in A12 or earlier, and who were disappointed by modern changes.

The usual style of playing modern vanilla will not work here for sure. The mod is very complex for the initial understanding and therefore will immediately alienate those who do not like to understand.


This is a lot of what I was looking for.  I will try it for sure, but you had me sold on the part where you said this was a survival game and not an RPG.

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MOD version UPDATE - CSH_v19.3.01


this patch is partially compatible with the previous save (19.2.04):
1. if there was a workstation "wine barrel" then it will disappear, you will need to take another one.
2. some tools or weapons may lose their durability
3. messages are possible, without popping up, in the console because of renamed prefabs (which is not important)
All this is quite possible to compensate yourself from the creative menu, and there is no point in restarting the passage.


(and don't forget to replace the corrected textures if you use them)

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Mod launcher is not downloading from git hub. I know you posted an additional link but I really suck at manual installation. Mod launcher keeps saying error DL'ing....

er.. no that I thunk about it I need to update ML. 

Sorry to be a bother....

I'll report back later....

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Unfortunately, i can't tell You what's going on in the Launcher.

(i was informed that the download from github was successful, but someone also complained today about the unavailability of downloading another mod from the Launcher)


An additional link contains an archive for manual installation - it just requires overwriting files on top of pure vanilla (A19 is stable).

The folder structure is the same, and no additional moves are required.

Don't forget to disable the EAC.




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So just reporting back in... yeah the mod launcher just needed an update. Once updated the mod opened correctly.


One thing though, all food piles, ammo pies, etc...where not displayed correctly and could not be interacted with. If you chopped them you would get a green structure block.


Now I need to mention, I might have used a map for another mod...so gonna retest now with a standard map.

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No, the mod is not compatible with anything.

You should definitely start a new game with the generation new map.


Maps from other mods, other utilities or from vanilla (standart pregens) - do not fit and will not work.

The mod has its own algorithms for generating landscape, biomes, settlements, plants ... almost everything.

Any "modlets" will also break its work.


Please note: if you have 16GB RAM, then the world sizes up to 12k will suit you. If more 16GB RAM- you can use up to 16k.


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Yeah thats what i thought. So just tried it generating new world inside your mod...worked great......died twice in an hour....lol....this is why I love your mod...most other mods are not tough enough.

ps. You clearly stated as much about maps, I was in too much of a hurry.....

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Hi, first of all, really great mod, second, missing change biomes quantity. I like forest, but generated biomes is "strange", sometimes too many snow, too many desert, etc.
It wouldn't matter so much, but generating 12k maps it takes cca 50 minutes on my pc.

Editing Biome Mapper Output modul in rwgmixer for more forest is impossible for me, even though I know the logic of values, hope. The only thing I managed was one biome, but mix of biomes no.

Is possible add prefab from RWGmixer to nitrogen map generator, or simply edit biomes.png? I look into RWGmixer and some prefabs is different for biomes which will be a problem for nitrogen map gen. and maybe for modified biomes.png(snow hut on desert, wasteland ruins in forest, etc.)


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Basically (with a few exceptions), the generation of biomes was always normal.

Maybe something has changed in the new version - i haven't checked yet. I will check soon and write here.


Changing the biome.png maps is probably possible - it won't cause malfunctions, but I haven't tried it. But changing the terrain and prefab list, or generating cities outside of this mod will make the map inoperable.



take into account that the biomes here are huge - this is intentional. But usually the whole set is present.

Perhaps you are out of habit looking for small biomes like in vanilla. Or have you seen the biome.png?

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This is last generated 12K map, probably is this biomes layout ok, i have no idea, but looks like same as previous version of mod. I tried generate some 1k maps for biome layout test and practically is that same and with regards to values in Biome Mapper Output modul.


I change wasteland@desert "hammer" to forest and see how it will look in game, if it will be the same as on 1k test map, then it will be fine.


And maybe it wouldn´t be bad add more towns or vilages to the corners of the map. Currenty there is a relatively large part map empty and roads with cities is in circle on middle of the map.




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What is shown in the screenshot is normal - this is the ratio intended. I do not recommend changing it.


Yes, to prepare for the passage, i do generate a few variant to choose a worthwhile one, unfortunately it takes time, but i think it's worth it if the game is planned for a long time.


By the way, the generation algorithms will not give similar results on different sizes. Unfortunately, now it has become impossible to estimate by small worlds as by examples.


I can't control the dispersal of localities towns right now - this is not configurable from xml.

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I generated on prev. version 6 12k maps, distribution cities and other things on all maps was good and acceptable, only with biomes i have problem because i like it forest biome, that's all.


Maps with edited biomes looks okay, checked very roughly in editor and not show any artifacts, only in forest is sometime car wreck. But still better than the wasteland or desert in middle map.


Yes, different sizes is not same, but generated biomes have very similar distribution.


By the way, really good works with forests! This forest looks like more real forest, even with blueberries and mushrooms.




Only one error is in console, same with original biomes.png


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Usually artifacts appear at the biome border when colors make a transition (this is normal for the graphics editors, but not for generation) - so you need to check at the border.

I will generate a map later to check on the new version (A19.3). So far, i don't have the ability to do this :).

The error in the prefab with the "wine barrel" has already been fixed and won't appear in the next patch.

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You mean different color after editing in graphics editor? This repair biome fixer from nitrogen map gen. I tough checking map in game world editor, of course not all, becouse is this big area.


If you need, i can ganarate some maps for you.








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Today i made a couple of generations to check version A19.3.

The distribution of biomes looks normal (as it was intended). I even got exactly the same picture as you. I don't think this is a coincidence - it just indicates that there is no randomness in the generator :) Nevertheless, the result is acceptable.

Therefore, i recommend using the built-in features of the mod. Because this choice of algorithms is dictated not only by the personal preferences of the author, but also by some technical "nuances" that affect the overall gameplay.




Nuance.... nuance... - i love nuance :D

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You have more cities and better distribution, blank seed isn´t good idea as i see, seed "j7905-79-ii;[98" looks great and generated map with this seed is same as on your picture.

Actually, this is my first experience with map gen. in game because i always use nitrogen map gen. before.


3 hours ago, n2n1 said:

Therefore, i recommend using the built-in features of the mod. Because this choice of algorithms is dictated not only by the personal preferences of the author, but also by some technical "nuances" that affect the overall gameplay.


Biomefixer from nitrogen map gen. repairs only diff. color in biomes.png after editing, i not use map from nitrogen in your mod. This dist. of biomes on picture is more acceptable for me.

Schránka 05.jpg

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Well... the case is yours.

But in my opinion, if i had such a huge forest biome - i would not need to look for a detour through dangerous wastelands and travel in search of an interesting place, the number of "easy cities " - there also more.... the lack of wasteland is also evident here - wastelands are not useless in this mod.

CSH mod about travel too :)




PS: by the way, if the map was edited after the world was generated, the prefab types will not match the corrected places.

Unfortunately, i forgot about this when i said that editing may would work...


So .... don't know... i'm not sure.... probably - better to change the probability in Biome Mapper Output ...



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I try game with original biomes and is too hard for me, especially wastelands hub with dogs. I plan start new game with or. biomes when i gain more experience because CSH is too different to vanilla. And sadly, after 5 in game days(120min 24h cycle) i not find town, or useful book.






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Yes yes, that's how it should be....  "Stone age" in classical terms! :)

In addition, of course, out of habit, no one expects interesting things where they usually do not exist.


When you find a city, you will find books. That is, at the initial stage, the primary task is to find a city, this is the main meaning of large maps and biomes.

If you feel that this is unnecessarily difficult - then i would advise, nevertheless - to adjust the  difficulty of other settings, but not to change the distribution of biomes.




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Then write this into journal, i started the game automatically like in vanilla, nesting in a nice place, collecting loot and slowly explored the neighborhood. :)


Find city as primary task make sense, but didn't it occur me, maybe more people will have this problem.

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