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Cannot Open Chests / Interact with Traders / Vehicles will teleport


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Hello guys,  I'm playing in a dedicated, vanilla, public server where things always were normal... no issues at all. For some time now (approx. 1 week) whenever I get in to some regions of the map (Nitrogen Created), my character gets very bugged. I cannot interact with chests, containers, anything that is lootable. I cannot open the Trader's inventory, sometimes I fall from the map and return to it after a while. If I'm in a vehicle, I start to hit invisible walls and when I get off the vehicle, it gets teleported to some previous place that I drove over. I can still destroy things, build, manufacture things, etc. It is not a lag issue. I've verified the files in steam a bunch of times. I even have reinstalled the game from scratch.  If I get out of the certain parts of the map, 90% of the times the game returns to normality after I logoff and login again. 10% of the times I have to wait for the server to restart. The admin of the server is very friendly and she actually restarted the server a couple of times for me even. But  as soon I return to these "cursed areas" of the maps the buggy behavior I described starts again. I appreciate if I can get some tips of what I can do about it (or the admin). Kind Regards and thanks in advance.

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I am having this same problem. Not me, but one of the users on my server.
We experienced this on 19, and continue to experience the issue after upgrading to 19.2

Server Logs: Too large for pastebin, attaching to this post.


User Logs:













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