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Heat in A19?


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So A19 came out a while back and I decided to setup a dedicated server again. I got in and started playing but have come across an odd situation. After the sun rises in the desert biome you get hot and then go sweltering shortly thereafter. I even get this in buildings. Digging about 25 blocks down fixes this, but that means you sit all day and can only move at night. Oh, and I stay hot at night.


I have a Zombie U t-shirt and some red shorts on. Military armor on head, chest, hands, and legs. Stats say I have 20 heat resistance. Since A18 yucca no longer cools, so I am not sure what to do here. In Ark we put canteens in refrigerators to chill it, but that isn't a thing here. Oh, and in the spirit of humor, did The Pimps hire the idiot that did the temperature system in Ark? You go from freezing to heatstroke in that game unless you have a good otter on your shoulders...

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Shame about them nerfing the cooling ability of Yucca Juice...and double shame the Yucca Smoothie doesn't help either despite being made with snow...odd choices made there.  Anyway...you can craft a bandana and fiber cowboy hat to help with the heat in the early game.  The Duster coat (oddly) gives very good heat protection if you can find one (school lockers or the new clothing stores are good places to look) until you can find some cooling mesh mods for your armour.



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2 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Since A18 yucca no longer cools, so I am not sure what to do here.

Yucca Smoothie is, IMO, broken and has been since it was introduced. It's gotta be a typo where they put "HypothermalResist" instead of "HyperthermalResist".

<buff name="buffYuccaJuiceSmoothie" ...>
    <passive_effect name="HypothermalResist" operation="base_add" value="30"/>

Anywho there are some modlets published which will fix it. I've got one if ya want it. Fixes the buff and changes the icon from the coffee icon to the armor icon (as used with the new player hyperthermal protection).

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Just had a dark thought. Are the dusters in lockers in schools a reference to the columbine incident? I actually wear a duster. Oilskin, very tough piece of clothing. Mine is black and not too good in the heat. Also, we wore them in school regularly back in the day. I bet they are illegal now due to the times.


Thanks though, I have not found a duster yet. I'll look for one.

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On 9/9/2020 at 6:32 PM, Boidster said:

Yucca Smoothie is, IMO, broken and has been since it was introduced. It's gotta be a typo where they put "HypothermalResist" instead of "HyperthermalResist".

<buff name="buffYuccaJuiceSmoothie" ...>
    <passive_effect name="HypothermalResist" operation="base_add" value="30"/>

Anywho there are some modlets published which will fix it. I've got one if ya want it. Fixes the buff and changes the icon from the coffee icon to the armor icon (as used with the new player hyperthermal protection).

Boidster, I am attempting to make the Yucca Juice add the cooling effect in a mod I am working on. Thus far my mod adds some new block types in blocks.xml so I have yet to edit effects (buffs.xml?) or items. I simply want to add the heat resist back from prior versions. Could you point me in the right direction here as to what I will need to do? My guess is that I will need to edit buffs.xml and either locate the old effect or code a new one, and then add said effect to the jarYuccaJuice item in items.xml to make it active.

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On 9/13/2020 at 2:37 PM, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Boidster, I am attempting to make the Yucca Juice add the cooling effect in a mod I am working on. Thus far my mod adds some new block types in blocks.xml so I have yet to edit effects (buffs.xml?) or items. I simply want to add the heat resist back from prior versions. Could you point me in the right direction here as to what I will need to do? My guess is that I will need to edit buffs.xml and either locate the old effect or code a new one, and then add said effect to the jarYuccaJuice item in items.xml to make it active.

You bet. Sorry for the delayed response, I was out communing with nature. Here's what my modlet uses for buffs.xml:


  <setattribute xpath="/buffs/buff[@name='buffYuccaJuiceSmoothie']" name="icon">ui_game_symbol_light_armor</setattribute>
  <setattribute xpath="/buffs/buff[@name='buffYuccaJuiceSmoothie']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='HypothermalResist']" name="name">HyperthermalResist</setattribute>

I think there might also be a descriptive element - in localization.txt maybe - that would need to be fixed manually. I think I just left it alone, so it says protection from cold or whatever, but actually gives protection from heat.

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