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Animals on MP Server


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Hello all,


i am playing with some friend on a MP server.


We have now the problem, that we only found rabbits and chicken.

There is no pig or deer or something else.

We have already raised the number of animals of the map.

But this also doesnt solve it.


Does someone have an idea where the problem is and how can it be solved?





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Deer and boar seem to be rarer in the MP game I play, but they are present -- a pleasant surprise when we stumble across one.


Oddly enough, the easiest game to find (other than chickens and rabbits) appears to be mountain lions. They appear to be really common in the cold biome. We have a town in the cold biome on our map and I can run down there and haul in 4-6 mountain lions in a day of hunting.


Wolves, dire wolves, and coyotes are also semi-common.

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Found your problem (all of ours problem), in entitygroups.xml:

<entitygroup name="WildGameForest">
    <entity name="invisibleAnimal" prob="50"/>
    <entity name="animalRabbit" prob="48"/>
    <entity name="animalChicken" prob="48"/>
    <entity name="animalBoar" prob="1"/>
    <entity name="animalStag" prob="1"/>
    <entity name="animalDoe" prob="1"/>
    <entity name="animalWolf" prob="1"/>

So if RNG spawns a forest game animal, here's what you get:


Invisible animal (equivalent to "no animal" I guess): 33%

Rabbit or Chicken: 32% each

Boar, Stag, Doe, Wolf: 0.67% each (in A18, stags were about 2.3% and does were about 6.6%)


Setting those last four "prob" values to 2 would probably be noticeable. I tried 5 (equating approximately a 3% chance for each large animal) and it was definitely noticeable.


As for mountain lions:

  <entitygroup name="EnemyAnimalsSnow">
    <entity name="invisibleAnimalEnemy" prob="40"/>
    <entity name="animalMountainLion" prob="40"/>
    <entity name="animalDireWolf" prob="10"/>
    <entity name="animalBear" prob="10"/>

The probs here are normalized to 100 so math is easy:

40% chance of "no animal"

40% chance of mountain lion

10% chance of dire wolf

10% chance of bear

11 hours ago, Rabb83 said:

Does someone have an idea where the problem is and how can it be solved?

Attached is a modlet that will double the chance for larger game animals in the forest. Does will be 2x as likely as stags. It's still a pretty small chance (1.3% for boars/wolves/stags, 2.6% chance for does), but it ought to be noticeable. Easy to edit the modlet if you want even more - it's just four lines.



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3 hours ago, Boidster said:

Attached is a modlet that will double the chance for larger game animals in the forest. Does will be 2x as likely as stags. It's still a pretty small chance (1.3% for boars/wolves/stags, 2.6% chance for does), but it ought to be noticeable. Easy to edit the modlet if you want even more - it's just four lines.

Thanks, @Boidster! You are awesome!

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